Apple explains why you should give your child an iPhone
Should you give your child an iPhone? Yes, of course. If you don't, you hate your child. In this ...

KeyCip: Encrypted data exchange via smartphone
KeyCip is an open source application developed by a computer engineering and business administration student. It allows to encrypt files, ...

Vax Wars - German game trailer
A real subculture also needs its own games! With "Vax Wars" comes a first proposal, playable on Android and iPhone, that ...

The Addams Family: Mysterious Villa - Game for Android and iPhone
Friends, you must know the Addams family! For the new animated film there is also a game for Android and iPhone that you ...

A FOLDABLE ORGASM: The Samsung Galaxy Fold Review
AlexiBexi took the Samsung Galaxy well in the following video. The Samsung #GalaxyFold is now available for everyone ...

Game: Allan Poe's Nightmare
As every reader of the crypt knows, Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer who, in his life, used the genre ...

Chasing Google Earth: Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?
As a promotion for the new animated series "Carmen Sandiego", Netflix, in cooperation with Google, launched the new game "The Crown Jewels ...

The difference between Android and iPhone users
For this, the Apple disciples buy the latest edition of the iPhone every year ... (via Chris Esx) ...

PÄNG! And bye you rap wanker!
"You want a ghetto? You can have it, dude! No more poop!" What fun this saying loudly over the boxes or ...

Note Recognition: Convert music to musical notes for free as an Android app
With the "Note Recognition" app, music can be converted into musical notes. Simply record a piece of music with the app and ...

Star Wars Pinball: Free pinball game for Android and iPhone
May the force be with you! Currently "Star Wars Pinball 6" is currently available for free. The first table goes ...

The ten most unnecessary apps that nobody needs
"There's an app for everything", this phrase is often heard nowadays, and in fact, there is almost everything that ...

Stranger Things: The Game
Marketing for the second season of "Stranger Things" is currently on tour. It continues on October 27th and ...

Dream job click farmer: a completely normal job in China
The more often an app is downloaded, the higher its ranking and the more people see it and the more ...

Dan The Man: Retro style jump 'n' run game for your phone
The Australian developers at Halfbrick Studios have already made a name for themselves with games like "Fruit Ninja" or "Jetpack Joyride" ...

Drink-O-Tron: The digital or analog drinking game
[arve url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et0YI5DUvPs"/] "Drink-O-Tron" has not reinvented the drinking game, but the successful design of the cards is certainly capable of...

Android: scissors, rock, paper
In the following spot, scissors, stone and paper finally become friends, but what exactly should be advertised here, I ...

Hello, I'm here to exchange my Galaxy Note 7
Hehehe: twisted: Hello, I'm here to change my Galaxy Note 7 ... Muahahaha ...: ass: (via spass.pix) ...

Galaxy Note 7 vs. Clamshell phone
At the moment people tend to make fun of the iPhone 7, but the Galaxy Note is also a bit of a bombshell ...

CR7Selfie: Taking photos with Cristiano Ronaldo for a good cause
The initials CR7 stand for great entertainment on the football field. Now the Portuguese European champion surprises us with an app that ...

Verne: The Himalayas - Explore the world with Google 3D maps
Google Maps offers the possibility of looking at a variety of great places in 3D. For example the Eiffel Tower or the Grand Canyon ...

My new smartphone has already paid for itself
And no, the part does not come from Apple, the whole thing works the other way around there ...;) ...

Pokémon Go: Download now also possible with us and how the game changed Central Park
Yesterday Pokémon Go was officially released in our latitudes. The game is available for Android and iOS for free ...

Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast Game for iPhone and Android
The free-to-play mobile title "Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast" is now available free of charge for iOS and Android. The setting is ...

Android: Friends Furever
Twelve times Awwwwwwww! This clip made me smile. "Be Together. Not the Same." is the motto of this commercial, in which ...

Lost in Translation - Three smartphones are talking
With two Android smartphones and an iPhone, you can create a polyglot circle of speech using Google Translate. The participants speak latently ...

Smartphones are bad! Devices from Hell!
The bad smartphones! You are the satan of our time. On the one hand we are all junkies, on the other ...

An unparalleled wear and tear of time: toilet and smartphone
As you used to read newspapers, magazines or a comic in the toilet, today the smartphone is the successor to all ...

fuck your phone
(via Amsterdam Street Art)...

Sex and porn apps for Android smartphones
It's no longer a secret that people search for sex online, and mobile pornography is becoming increasingly popular ...