Day 16: Christmas Tree Rocketry - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Day 16: Christmas Tree Rocketry - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Christmas is the time of horror. At the latest when Aunt Trudi and Uncle Hans talk about God and ...
DBD: The Angels - Icebreakers

DBD: The Angels - Icebreakers

This time there are the lyrics for "Death Bell of the Day", in German and English, right in the clip :) ...
Erection Dance or whoever dances with the stand

Erection Dance or whoever dances with the stand

Freunde, dieser Clip zeigt uns, wieso man einer ausgewachsenen Erektion auch Ständer sagt, schubidu :) ...
Day 15: Gift idea for undead - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Day 15: Gift idea for undead – Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Christmas is the time of horror. At the latest when Aunt Trudi and Uncle Hans talk about God and ...
This missile test failed

This missile test failed

Dieser Test eines Panzerabwehr-Waffensystem ging zwar nicht nach hinten raus, aber ganz ungefährlich ist der auch nicht... (danke Manfred) ...
Trick thieves for Christmas

Trick thieves for Christmas

Be careful friends, shameless con artists are out and about again this Christmas! The fraudsters are using a new scam that also...
Day 14: The flashy tree - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Day 14: The flashy tree - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Christmas is the time of horror. At the latest when Aunt Trudi and Uncle Hans talk about God and ...
Deadly basketball

Deadly basketball

Today there's the basketball scene from Wes Craven's "Deadly Friend" again, after all it's the 13th, Monday though...
Educationally valuable film on the subject of tattoos

Educationally valuable film on the subject of tattoos

Liebe Kinder gebt fein acht, im nachfolgenden ein lehrreicher Film zum Thema Tattoo, der zeigt, dass das Stechen des Motivs ...
DBD: Burning Love - Oomph! Feat. L'ame Immortelle

DBD: Burning Love - Oomph! Feat. L'ame Immortelle

How many nights did I live in you? How many dreams has your pain rewarded me How many ...
Horrible Tattoo (72)

Horrible Tattoo (72)

Wir hatten ja schon einige "schöne" Tattoos hier in der Gruft, da will ich euch dieses erotische "Meisterwerk" nicht vorenthalten, ...
Day 13: Bloody Christmas - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Day 13: Bloody Christmas - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Christmas is the time of horror. At the latest when Aunt Trudi and Uncle Hans talk about God and ...
Smell Like A Monster - Sesame Street

Smell Like A Monster - Sesame Street

Friends, here's a fantastically successful parody of the Old Spice advertisement... :mrgreen: ...
Day 12: Christmas house lighting in slayer rhythm - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Day 12: Christmas house lighting in slayer rhythm - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Christmas is the time of horror. At the latest when Aunt Trudi and Uncle Hans talk about God and ...
Lucky Dog

Lucky Dog

Here's a wonderful advertisement for the New Zealand Lottery, including the music by Nick Cave "To Be By Your Side"...
Day 11: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Day 11: National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Christmas is the time of horror. At the latest when Aunt Trudi and Uncle Hans talk about God and ...
MP3 experiment # 7

MP3 experiment # 7

Fucking crazy, dieses MP3 Experiment! Da haben doch vor kurzem die nette Leute von "Improve Everywhere" Internet-Nutzer aufgefordert an ihrem ...
Day 10: A Charlie Brown Heavy Metal Christmas - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Day 10: A Charlie Brown Heavy Metal Christmas - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Christmas is the time of horror. At the latest when Aunt Trudi and Uncle Hans talk about God and ...


Freunde, der Tag war echt frustrierend - und ich gehe jetzt meinen Lemur kuscheln ...
Day 9: Jingle Bells Indianized - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Day 9: Jingle Bells Indianized - Advent Calendar from the Crypt

Christmas is the time of horror. At the latest when Aunt Trudi and Uncle Hans talk about God and ...
What the female sexual organ has to do with the shark's brain

What the female sexual organ has to do with the shark's brain

Wer hätte gedacht, dass die weiblichen Fortpflanzungsorgane und das Gehirn eines Hais eine solche frappante Ähnlichkeiten in der Anordnung aufweisen ...
Bits in pieces

Bits in pieces

Freunde, wusstet ihr, dass eure Computer eigentlich aus Pappe sind und darin tausende kleine Menschen wohnen? Und dass es Krankenschwestern ...
Fire base jump

Fire base jump

Freunde, heute gibts mal ein ein ganz heisses Video - and don't try this at home! :) ...

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