Tekkno from AZ - Bravo 1991

Tekkno from AZ - Bravo 1991

Hihi und haha, jaja, damals ging es voll ab. Mit Brett, Peace in der Birne und Gesichtskontrolle... Aber "immer zu ...
Attention drug dealers

Attention drug dealers

Drogen Händler aufgepasst... vielleicht stellt sich nach diesem Inserat tatsächlich jemand... (via KTH) ...
Air Guitar was yesterday: Air Sex is the measure of all things and already has its own film!

Air Guitar was yesterday: Air Sex is the measure of all things and already has its own film!

Luft-Sex ist für die, die nicht Gitarre spielen können. Luftgitarre gilt ja mittlerweile als ambitionierte "Sportart", nun hat Comedian Chris ...
Allahu Quackbar: The rubber ducks of IS

Allahu Quackbar: The rubber ducks of IS

Earlier this week, users of the 4chan network came across a call to give the IS terrorists a new face...
Don't Fuck With Tom Hardy

Don't Fuck With Tom Hardy

You can tell that Tom Hardy is a good actor by the contrast between the characters shown in this supercut. In ...


LSD - The beginning of something Wonderful... (via Miss Cellania) ...
How dad motivates his son to blow the leaves

How dad motivates his son to blow the leaves

Daddy Jarrad Provost kam auf die geniale Idee einen Laubbläser an den elektrischen Mini-Truck seines Sohnes zu klemmen. Da der ...
DBD: The Threat Is Real - Megadeth

DBD: The Threat Is Real - Megadeth

Megadeth let us know their new track "The Threat Is Real" from the upcoming album "Dystopia", which will be released ...
Impressive police choreography against demonstrators

Impressive police choreography against demonstrators

Beeindruckend wie in folgendem, zugegeben schon etwas älteren Video die Südkoreanische Polizei ein Autobahn räumt ...
Mad Max vs Black Friday

Mad Max vs Black Friday

The following video sums up "Black Friday" ... where is the video now, you will ask yourself ...
Robots and machines leggings

Robots and machines leggings

Leggings are not to be found dead and now these are also available in robot, machine and steampunk looks. There are matching tops ...
Flown over abandoned Detroit in a drone

Flown over abandoned Detroit in a drone

Interesting pictures taken with a drone from Packard Plant, Eastown Theater and Fisher Body Plant ...
Honest Trailer - Fantastic Four

Honest Trailer - Fantastic Four

Ich habe den Film noch nicht gesehen, und ich glaube auch nicht, dass ich jemals sehen werde, ausser es lädt ...
Harrison Ford ends his feud with Chewbacca

Harrison Ford ends his feud with Chewbacca

In der Jimmy Kimmel Live Show haben Harrison Ford und Chewbacca ihre Differenzen aus der Vergangenheit spektakulär beendet ...
It's not you, it's me

It's not you, it's me

Matt Spicer hat mit "It's not you, it's me" einen schönen, bösen Kurzfilm gemacht, den ihr euch unbedingt anschauen solltet ...
DBD: Revel In Demise - Endless Recovery

DBD: Revel In Demise - Endless Recovery

The Swiss "Endless Recovery" were founded in 2011 and have dedicated themselves to Thrash ever since. Her new album "Revel in Demise" ...
Dragonarte: Funny superhero comic strips

Dragonarte: Funny superhero comic strips

Der brasilianische Illustrator Dragonarte hat sich darauf spezialisiert unterhaltsame, skurrile, kleine Superhelden-Comicstrips zu machen, welche uns vor allem die zwischen-super-menschlichen ...
Captain America: Civil War - First Trailer

Captain America: Civil War - First Trailer

Im Trailer zu "Captain America: Civil War" geht ja ziemlich die Post ab! Sieht man hier doch wie sich Iron ...
Schneeflöcksche, Weissröcksche...

Snowflake, white skirt ...

...du bisch so konkred, Du bist auch ein Aschenlösche, aber trotzdem wie geht? Passend zur aktuellen Wetterlage und der kommenden ...
France 2015

France 2015

For the sake of security, freedom, equality and fraternity (Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité) were initially deleted; no one needs them anymore anyway... right? ...
Miami Ink: Tattoo for life

Miami Ink: Tattoo for life

In South Beach Miami, four young men share a passion for the art of tattoos. The craft from the bottom up ...
Gods of Egypt - Trailer

Gods of Egypt - Trailer

Ich habe inständig gehofft, dass mit "Clash of the Titans" und der Fortsetzung "Wrath of the Titans" dieses hässliche und ...
Cross stitch tattoos

Cross stitch tattoos

Eva Krbdk is a tattoo artist from Turkey who tattoos cross-stitch-like patterns and still gets a lively impression of his subjects ...
Chuck Jones: The Evolution of the Bugs Bunny Artist

Chuck Jones: The Evolution of the Bugs Bunny Artist

Tony Zhou eröffnet uns einen interessanten Blick in die TV-Geschichte. In folgendem Video kümmert ihn die klassische Trick-Animationen und mit ...
DBD: Hybrid Haven - Human Desolation

DBD: Hybrid Haven - Human Desolation

Today for you the Swedes "Human Desolation" with the track "Hybrid Haven" from the album "Mind Grind Paradigm" ...
The eagle has landed - and it is clearly embarrassing!

The eagle has landed - and it is visibly embarrassing!

Ausgerechnet dann, wo die Adlernest-Cam aufgestellt wurde, legt dieser Adler eine Bruchlandung aller erster Güte hin! :) ...

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