A ballet dancing T-Rex

A ballet dancing T-Rex

What a graceful creature... sweet, the way he hops around...
The Sleep Curse - Trailer

The Sleep Curse - Trailer

Während der japanischen Kriegsbesetzung von Hongkong in den Jahren 1941-1945 führte die Zusammenarbeit eines jungen Übersetzers mit dem Feind dazu, ...
Atomic Overlook: Voyeurs of the digital age watch nuclear tests

Atomic Overlook: Voyeurs of the digital age watch nuclear tests

Clay Lipsky hat aus der Sicht des heutigen Computerzeitalters unterschiedliche Atomtests aus der Zeit des Kalten Krieges erneut betrachtet. Seine ...
The secret life of human dogs

The secret life of human dogs

Homosexuals in San Francisco and elsewhere around the world have been role-playing as leather dogs for a long time, Channel4 has a...
DBD: Alestorm - Alestorm

DBD: Alestorm - Alestorm

At the end of May the pirate metallers from Alestorm released their album "No Grave But The Sea" and from it there is ...
Robot Restaurant

Robot Restaurant

Be careful friends, watching the following video, which introduces us to a robot (!) restaurant in Japan, can lead to...
Jet Pack: Real Life Rocketeer

Jet Pack: Real Life Rocketeer

Jetpacks, are they the future of getting around? Could be ... Huge thanks to Jet Pack Aviation for letting us come out ...
Stand up! Keep going!

Stand up! Keep going!

A penguin carries on... (via demcker) ...

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