The Road Movie: Trailer for Russian dashcam recordings in feature length

The Road Movie: Trailer for Russian dashcam recordings in feature length

Interesting that Russian dashcam videos curated as films actually make it into theaters. Oscilloscope Laboratories sees it somewhere between...
Gun inspection at the terminator

Gun inspection at the terminator

Bei der US Army gibt es dieses völlig lächerliche Ritual der Waffeninspektion, dem Dr Vagax mal die passenden Sounds verpasst ...
Why is shit brown, but piss yellow?

Why is shit brown, but piss yellow?

Dass Kacke braun ist, weil sich darin quasi hauptsächlich altes Blut befindet, war mir tatsächlich halbwegs bewusst, aber wie da ...
The Show: This Is Your Death - Trailer

The Show: This Is Your Death - Trailer

Obwohl Giancarlo Esposito eher als Schauspieler bekannt ist, zum beispiel in seiner ikonischen Rolle des Gustavo Fring in "Breaking Bad" ...
Dragon ball made from hash oil weighs 3kg

Dragon ball made from hash oil weighs 3kg

Of course these aren't real dragon balls, after all, they don't have any stars engraved on them, but they're made of hash oil. Getting produced ...
Ideas for animals

Ideas for animals

Tino discovered a few new animal species. And I'll take a Schmiegel... :) ...
That's why we have kneecaps

That's why we have kneecaps

Freunde, solltet ihr irgendwann einmal gefragt werden, warum wir Menschen Kniescheiben haben, dann zeigt ihnen einfach dass... (via Reddit) ...
Fruit snacks

Fruit snacks

Funny animated fruits that advertise the fruit snack brand Fruitsnackia... Creating over 12 spots, and content for, the campaign ...
KISS: Cooking with Paul Stanley

KISS: Cooking with Paul Stanley

At the KISS Kruise 2017, Paul Stanley demonstrated his cooking skills as a smutje in the ship's kitchen. The cruise started on the 5th.
Why cartoon characters wear white gloves

Why cartoon characters wear white gloves

Ist ja eigentlich klar wieso, denn offensichtlich tragen Cartoon-Figuren Handschuhe um ihre Fingerabdrücke zu verstecken, wenn sie Kinder ermorden... ;) ...
Celebrity Perv Apology Generator: Apologies for sexual assault at the push of a button

Celebrity Perv Apology Generator: Apologies for sexual assault at the push of a button

American developer Scott McCaughey's Celebrity Perv Apology Generator website automatically generates apologies for people suspected of...
Simon's Cat in Fast Food (A Thanksgiving Special)

Simon's Cat in Fast Food (A Thanksgiving Special)

In the following clip, Simon tries to enjoy his Thanksgiving meal in front of the entire team. But the gang behaves like street thieves in order to...
How to use brain manipulation to change musical tastes

How to use brain manipulation to change musical tastes

Forschern der McGill University in Montreal ist es gelungen, den Musikgeschmack mittels magnetischer Stimulation zu verändern. Während den Probanden die ...

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