Talking budgie activates Siri

Talking budgie activates Siri

Kiwi der Wellensittich hat gehört, wie sein menschlicher Besitzer Siri viele Dinge fragt - so hat der Vogel gelernt, dass ...
An impossible Christmas present

An impossible Christmas present

Interpreting children's wish lists can be a tough business - and even children despair of some painted wish lists...
Just type stuff

Just type stuff

Just Type Stuff and It'll Appear ... Probably! In Terry Cavanagh's browser game "Constellation", you just type something into the ...


With "VideoHunterS", Arte has launched a great web series about VHS, trash and porn that I would not like to withhold from you ...
SpotMini: The Robot Dog from Boston Dynamics

SpotMini: The Robot Dog from Boston Dynamics

The American company Boston Dynamics is developing robots for the Pentagon. The company, which has since been taken over by Google and...
Revengers - Dismember

Revengers - Dismember

Who will survive all these killers? (via Infamous Horror) ...
Bed of the Dead - Trailer

Bed of the Dead trailer

In "Bed of the Dead" von Jeff Maher (Kameramann bei "Bite") führt der Wunsch nach Schlaf zu einem Horrortrip albtraumhaften ...
Raining Blood Super Plus: Slayer is now selling tampons

Raining Blood Super Plus: Slayer is now selling tampons

After wine, beer and what do I know, there is now something from Slayer for women: Raining Blood Super ...
Wenn 10'000 Gänse gemeinsam den Abflug machen

When 10 geese take off together

Ein beeindruckendes Spektakel, das uns Mutter Natur hier bietet. Geschätzte 10'000 Schneegänse haben sich auf einem See versammelt, um gemeinsam ...
∆ magic triangle ∆

∆ magic triangle ∆

In the Netherlands there is the place "De Driehoek" that filmmaker Ben staged in a surreal way. Me ...
DBD: New Beginning - Radio Moscow

DBD: New Beginning - Radio Moscow

Hier der Opener und Titeltrack "New Beginning" als Lyric-Video. Das Album des psychedelischen Powertrios aus Kalifornien heisst "New Beginnings" und ...
Baby koala while eating

Baby koala while eating

Süsser wird es heute nicht mehr, Freunde ...
101 facts about Nintendo

101 facts about Nintendo

Der folgende Clip ist tatsächlich ziemlich interessant ...
New last Jedi clip shows Chewbacca cleaning the porg out of the way

New last Jedi clip shows Chewbacca cleaning the porg out of the way

Well done, Chewbacca! This trailer gives me hope that the Porg shown in the first "Last Jedi" trailer...
Patterns: The beauty of paper patterns

Patterns: The beauty of paper patterns

Schöne audiovisuelle Arbeit von Dimitris Katsafouros, der eigentlich nur ein papiernes Feld "umklappen" lässt. Das wirkt aber ungemein beruhigend... A ...
Justice League in the 90s VHS intro

Justice League in the 90s VHS intro

This is so wonderfully stupid, like an action series from the 90s...


Professor Russell von der University of California gilt als einer der führenden Computer-Wissenschaftler und er hat sein Wissen über KI-Waffensysteme ...
Boston Dynamics: Robo Backflip

Boston Dynamics: Robo Backflip

Boston Dynamics recently made a bit of a splash. One of their robots doing a backflip. So it will probably...
The Road Movie: Trailer for Russian dashcam recordings in feature length

The Road Movie: Trailer for Russian dashcam recordings in feature length

Interesting that Russian dashcam videos curated as films actually make it into theaters. Oscilloscope Laboratories sees it somewhere between...
Gun inspection at the terminator

Gun inspection at the terminator

The US Army has this completely ridiculous weapons inspection ritual that Dr Vagax gives the appropriate sounds to...
Why is shit brown, but piss yellow?

Why is shit brown, but piss yellow?

I was actually somewhat aware that poop is brown because it mainly contains old blood, but how...
The Show: This Is Your Death - Trailer

The Show: This Is Your Death - Trailer

Although Giancarlo Esposito is better known as an actor, for example in his iconic role of Gustavo Fring in "Breaking Bad"...
Dragon ball made from hash oil weighs 3kg

Dragon ball made from hash oil weighs 3kg

Of course these aren't real dragon balls, after all, they don't have any stars engraved on them, but they're made of hash oil. Getting produced ...
Ideas for animals

Ideas for animals

Tino discovered a few new animal species. And I'll take a Schmiegel... :) ...
That's why we have kneecaps

That's why we have kneecaps

Friends, if you are ever asked why we humans have kneecaps, just show them that... (via Reddit)...
Fruit snacks

Fruit snacks

Funny animated fruits that advertise the fruit snack brand Fruitsnackia... Creating over 12 spots, and content for, the campaign ...
KISS: Cooking with Paul Stanley

KISS: Cooking with Paul Stanley

At the KISS Kruise 2017, Paul Stanley demonstrated his cooking skills as a smutje in the ship's kitchen. The cruise started on the 5th.
Why cartoon characters wear white gloves

Why cartoon characters wear white gloves

It's actually clear why, because obviously cartoon characters wear gloves to hide their fingerprints when they murder children... ;) ...
Celebrity Perv Apology Generator: Apologies for sexual assault at the push of a button

Celebrity Perv Apology Generator: Apologies for sexual assault at the push of a button

American developer Scott McCaughey's Celebrity Perv Apology Generator website automatically generates apologies for people suspected of...

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