Public urinals with an integrated mini garden

Public urinals with an integrated mini garden

Wer in Gegenden mit hohem Nachtschwärmer-Anteil wohnt oder unterwegs ist, weiss, wie sehr Wildpinkler nerven können. Aber was tun dagegen? ...
Over 40 meters long Hot Wheels racetrack

Over 40 meters long Hot Wheels racetrack

Hier der ultimative Hinterhof Hot Wheels Track! In folgendem Video Überqueren wir hohe Holzbrücken, steigen in eine vertikale Schleife und ...


Der von Maxime Hélier, Guilherme Pereira, Marion Chopin, Sophie Loubière und Carla Gandolfi inszenierte Kurzfilm überzeugt mit tollen Animationen, atmosphärischen ...
DBD: The Race - Arch Enemy

DBD: The Race - Arch Enemy

Here is the video clip for the song "The Race" from the current album "Will To Power", the second Arch Enemy record with front woman Alissa ...
A singing shrimp on a sandwich and other oddities

A singing shrimp on a sandwich and other oddities

Herrlich schräge Werbespots und ich sage jetzt nicht, für was die Spots sind, aber inhaltlich ist das schon wunderbar verrückt ...


Verehrte Damen und Herren, darf ich vorstellen: Die Pandarine! :) (via Miss Megaphon‏) ...
Growing plants at the Nanjing Towers

Growing plants at the Nanjing Towers

200 beziehungsweise 108 Meter hoch werden die Nanjing Towers sein, wenn sie im kommenden Jahr fertig sind. Dann wird der ...
Why should you open the windshield wipers at night?

Why should you open the windshield wipers at night?

Wenn draussen nasser Schnee liegt und einem eisige Bedingungen erwarten, ist es vielleicht eine gute Idee, die Scheibenwischer vom Glas ...
This dominatrix lets men win cryptocurrency - and made over $ 1 million

This dominatrix lets men win cryptocurrency - and made over $ 1 million

MarketWatch hat ein Interview mit einer Dame namens Theodora, eine "Finanz-Dominatrix", geführt. Ihre sexuelle Dominanz übt sie durch die Kontrolle ...
When 70 people from 70 countries imitate Americans

When 70 people from 70 countries imitate Americans

Condé Nast Traveler asked people from all over the world if they could show us what an American is like ...
SpaceX: Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Timelapse

SpaceX: Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Timelapse

Vergangenen Freitag startete SpaceX bekanntermassen ihre Falcon 9 Rakete, die über dem Himmel Kaliforniens so spektakuläre Bilder abgab, dass nicht ...
2017 movie trailer mashup

2017 movie trailer mashup

Sleepy Skunk skilfully sums up the cinema year with this year's Movie Trailer Mashup. The complete list of all used ...
Ingenious metal version of Ludwig van Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, 3rd movement

Ingenious metal version of Ludwig van Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, 3rd movement

Die Tina S fetzt ein wie Yngwie Malmsteen in unserer Sturm- und Drangzeit. Manch einer wird bemäkeln, dass das Ganze ...
6 Below - Trailer

6 Below - Trailer

Inzwischen wurde beim Survival-Thriller so gut wie jedes Schreckensszenario abgehakt. Auch winterlich ging es dabei schon häufiger zu. Zuletzt liessen ...
Wild orangutan saws with a foxtail

Wild orangutan saws with a foxtail

"Spy in the Wild" eine Serie bei BBC1, aus welcher auch diese Aufnahmen eines wilden Orang-Utans sind, der sich mit ...
Ten Meter Tower: Would you jump?

Ten Meter Tower: Would you jump?

Interessante Studie, die Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters zeigt, die zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben auf einen 10-Meter-Sprungturm steigen, um von ...
DBD: The Returning Race - Wind Rose

DBD: The Returning Race - Wind Rose

The video for the track "The Returning Race" takes the viewer into the cold, Nordic forests. The folk / power metal band "Wind Rose" ...
Die surreale Animationen von Milos "Sholim" Rajkovic

The surreal animations by Milos «Sholim» Rajkovic

Die surrealen GIFs von Milos Rajkovic alias Sholim gibt es auch mit Ton als Clips bei YouTube. Ein paar meiner ...
Ingenious ski masks

Ingenious ski masks

From the Canadian company Beardo you can buy ski masks that you can wear on the ski slopes as a monkey, dog, cat or panda...
Samuel Milham: Pop Culture Heroes Just After Waking Up

Samuel Milham: Pop Culture Heroes Just After Waking Up

The Australian Samuel Milham shows us in his series of pictures what some of the most popular figures in pop culture look like when they ...
Life in a small 8m² apartment in Tokyo

Life in a small 8m² apartment in Tokyo

This 8m² apartment in Tokyo is enough for eating, drinking, sleeping and hygiene - but it's great for inviting people...
Ghost Stories - Teaser and Poster

Ghost Stories - Teaser and Poster

In the British "Ghost Stories" Andy Nyman (Dying for Beginners) tries to be a ghost hunter against even experienced paranormal experts like Ed and Lorraine...
Hearing Madge: The ashes of the dead pressed into a record

Hearing Madge: The ashes of the dead pressed into a record

Bei Andvinyly ist es seit sieben Jahren möglich, eine ganz besonders stilsichere Form der Beerdigung zu wählen. So besteht die ...
Organ made entirely of paper

Organ made entirely of paper

Aliaksei Zholner built a completely functional organ out of cardboard and paper. Anyone who needs inspiration for the next craft afternoon...
DBD: I'll Be Your Monster - Gwar

DBD: I'll Be Your Monster - Gwar

At the end of October the album "The Blood Of Gods" was released and today you can find the video for the ...
Today we dine like a prince

Today we dine like a prince

Alles was man braucht dabei. Getränke, Essen, Vitamine, perfekt! :) (via Twitterperlen) ...
Star Wars sculptures made from Louis Vuitton bags

Star Wars sculptures made from Louis Vuitton bags

There are certainly far fewer Louis Vuitton collectors than there are Star Wars fans. When it came to replacing the old...
Wisconsin: Seasons in 4K timelapse

Wisconsin: Seasons in 4K timelapse

As part of his project, photographer Chris Biela shot over 25 individual images and strung them together. The result is a portrait close to nature ...
Lucas the Spider: Playtime

Lucas the Spider: Playtime

Lucas, we have had the cute spider several times here and here in the crypt, now a new one is ...
Drug dealer with 1000 joints gets into a taxi and confuses it with a police car

Drug dealer with 1000 joints gets into a taxi and confuses it with a police car

Things went really stupid for a Danish drug dealer at Christmas. The man wanted to leave the autonomous district of Christiana...

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