Unspoil.me: removing spoilers from your own brain

Unspoil.me: removing spoilers from your own brain

Die Webseite Unspoil.me wurde in Zusammenarbeit zwischen Samsung und dem schwedischen Hypnotiseur Fredrik Praesto entwickelt und verspricht, in 20 Minuten ...
Slice - Trailer

Slice trailer

Als in "Slice" von Austin Vesely ein Pizzalieferant während der Arbeit ermordet wird, steht die Polizei vor einem Rätsel. Hat ...
When Grandma tests Google Home for the first time

When Grandma tests Google Home for the first time

Our older people are sometimes a bit overwhelmed by the new technical advances. Not so with this 85-year-old lady who...
Japanese artist turns toys into post-apocalyptic fighters

Japanese artist turns toys into post-apocalyptic fighters

Y. Nakajima buys toys in the shape of characters from Winnie the Pooh, Donald Duck & Co and makes crafts out of them...
DBD: Riptide - Ben Blood Sugar

DBD: Riptide - Ben Blutzukker

Friends, do you fancy four minutes of Lego and Metal? Then I can watch the following video from the German one-man band ...
How to build a snowman without snow

How to build a snowman without snow

Wer bei den aktuellen Temperaturen eine Inspiration für einen Schneemann braucht, findet hier einen witzigen Ansatz ;) (via Meanwhile In ...
How Disney recycled animation from older films

How Disney recycled animation from older films

Disney schafft es seit jeher unglaublich lebensechte Animationen und Charaktere zu erschaffen, die auf den Leinwänden und Bildschirmen überall auf ...
When squirrels play with the bird feeder

When squirrels play with the bird feeder

Squirrels are the hottest anyway... Made my day :) ...
Agony - trailer and gameplay video

Agony - trailer and gameplay video

Hier ein weiterer Vorgeschmack auf den kommenden Survival-Schocker "Agony". Im Red Goddess-Trailer lässt man uns selbst in die Haut eines ...
Insidious: The Last Key - Explore the haunted house in virtual reality

Insidious: The Last Key - Explore the haunted house in virtual reality

Friends, do you want to experience the horror of "Insidious: The Last Key" first hand? Then there is the opportunity here ...
Godzilla: Monster Planet - Japanese Trailer

Godzilla: Monster Planet - Japanese Trailer

After the Japanese cinema premiere on November 17, 2017, it will now be the turn of viewers worldwide at the beginning of the year...

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