Brass band plays the “Imperial March” as Donald Trump marches into Davos

When Donald Trump marches into Davos, the brass band plays the "Imperial March"

At the World Economic Forum in Davos a few days ago, a brass band performed the "Imperial ...
How to light a bong with a magnifying glass

How to light a bong with a magnifying glass

The knowledge that you were taught at school is always good for something...
Truth or Dare Trailer

Truth or Dare - Trailer

In the genre film "Truth or Dare," a college student and her friends inevitably find their lives in danger when they suddenly encounter a supernatural...
Little Big World: Kosovo Kaleidoscope - Tilt-Shiftin 4K

Little Big World: Kosovo Kaleidoscope - Tilt-Shiftin 4K

Once again a nice tilt-shift video from Joerg Daiber, who shows the places Prizren, Brod, Mirusha Waterfalls, Pec' and the Rugova Canyon...
DBD: Deliverance - Asylum 8

DBD: Deliverance - Asylum 8

The melodic death / electronic metal band Asylum 8 released their latest album "Repressed" at the beginning of November and "Deliverance" ...
Akira 28

Akira 28

Here's a fantastic homage from Brad Kremer to the cyberpunk anime, which also cuts a fine figure in CGI. So...
Anteater baby

Anteater baby

Little Tamandua Barrou lives in the Alturas Wildlife Sanctuary in Costa Rica, and we can get to know him in the following video. Tamanduas ...

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