Earthfall trailer

Earthfall trailer

Earthfall wird am 13. Juli 2018 die Early-Access-Phase bei Steam verlassen und dann neben dem PC zudem für die Konsolen ...
Mario's Lost Kart

Mario's Lost Kart

"Mario's Lost Kart" by Andrew McMurry and Klay Abele spins in the Super Mario universe and of course there is also one ...
WM 2018: Embolo song as ringtone

WM 2018: Embolo song as ringtone

Does your heart beat for the Swiss national team? Did the fans at the European Football Championship 2016 see the Swiss national team more reluctantly ...
Why loops aren't perfect circles

Why loops aren't perfect circles

Wer dachte, ein Looping wäre besonders funktional, wenn der Streckenverlauf möglichst dem Idealbild eines Kreises gleicht, liegt völlig falsch! Die ...
DBD: Country Heroes - Devil Driver

DBD: Country Heroes - DevilDriver

With "Country Heroes" DevilDriver have released a track from their announced country metal cover album "Outlaws' Til The End". The song is originally from ...
How food spoils in fast motion

How food spoils in fast motion

Wie lange dauert es eigentlich, bis Saprophyten bzw. Destruenten unsere frischen Nahrungsmittel zu fauler, matschiger Biomasse zerlegt haben? Das Team ...
World Cup 2018: What are Gigi Buffon and Robin Van Persie doing?

World Cup 2018: What are Gigi Buffon and Robin Van Persie doing?

Some of the best players in the world will be watching the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia from their sofas. You will find comfort in...
World Cup 2018: How Germany tries by all means to keep the title

World Cup 2018: How Germany tries by all means to keep the title

World champion Jogi Löw has already infected at least half the world with his winning virus...

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