Triple dead

Triple dead

Film student Gil Vanroy did a great mash-up video essay for film calpeles that shows how strongly the originals differ from Hollywood's taxonomy ...
Mowgli - Trailer

Mowgli - Trailer

Der Trailer zu "Mowgli" zeigt düstere Szenen und gibt Einblick in eine düstere Welt, welche von "Planet of the Apes"-Star ...
As Eminem from Dr. Dre was discovered

As Eminem from Dr. Dre was discovered

Im Rahmen der vierteiligen HBO-Dokumentationsreihe "The Defiant Ones" wurde auch beleuchtet, wie es zur grossen Entdeckung von Marshall Mathers aka ...
Make Toilet Great Again

Make Toilet Great Again

He starts shit, talks shit, creates shit, breaks shit, destroys least now he'll be cleaning up the shit... Die ...
The Shark In The Park

The Shark In The Park

Das fiktive "Korean Strange Plant Research Institute" hat den gemeinen Park-Hai (Parco Pistris) entdeckt und Polynoid hat ihn gefilmt. Das ...
DBD: Please Don't Judas Me - Metal Church

DBD: Please Don't Judas Me - Metal Church

The album "Deep Cuts & Rarities" combines cover songs by various bands and artists such as Doug Pinnick (King's X), Mark Tremonti ...
Hairy leggings against perverts

Hairy leggings against perverts

A few years ago I had hairy stockings here, now there are also leggings. Will definitely become a spontaneous trend...
How to make a semi-automatic paper plane launch pad

How to make a semi-automatic paper plane launch pad

Wie lässt man 30 Papierflieger ganz schnell hintereinander fliegen? Mit einer simplen Rampe, zu welcher The Q eine Bauanleitung veröffentlicht ...
Smoking bong on a flying drone

Smoking bong on a flying drone

Eric Mercer hat sein Bong auf seine Drohne gestellt und fliegt mit den Dingern vor sich her, um sich dann ...

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