Stallone is the Wolverine

Stallone is the Wolverine

Would definitely be better than Dolph's Punisher ... and i would definitely watch this shit! :) (via Aggressive Comix) ...
DBD: We Are The Truth - Mushroomhead

DBD: We Are The Truth - Mushroomhead

Mushroomhead shot a video for the alternative version of the song "We Are The Truth". Unsaid Faith singer Jackie Laponza steered the ...
What happens when you throw an elephant off a skyscraper

What happens when you throw an elephant off a skyscraper

Oder wie deine Grösse dein Leben beeinflusst. Kurzgesagt erklärt uns, was es mit der Grösse eines Organismus auf sich hat ...
The smallest model train in the world

The smallest model train in the world

Museum of Working Miniatures zeigt uns auf Youtube funktionierende Miniaturen. Besonders toll finde ich die kleinste Modelleisenbahn der Welt, die ...

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