In France, the refrain “We want to keep dancing” has been heard more and more frequently in recent weeks. This is sung and danced in numerous flash mobs in public places. The chanson "Danser encore" has blossomed into an anthem of peaceful and creative resistance to the Corona measures in recent weeks. Just last week, hundreds of French danced away their frustration at Paris's Gare de l'Est. Images that warm your heart and give hope. It's nice to see that many people in France have retained their joie de vivre and their typical Gallic spirit of resistance.

"DANSER ENCORE" flash mob Gare de l'Est. Paris / France - 08 Avril 2021
"DANSER ENCORE" flash mob Gare de l'Est. Paris / France - 08 Avril 2021

Since not all of the French are able to speak French, here is a free translation of the text of the song:

We want to keep dancing
See how our thoughts embrace our bodies
spend our lives in chord progressions
Oh no no ...

We are migratory birds. Never docile, not really wise.
We do not swear allegiance to the dawn under all circumstances.
We come to break the silence.

And when the "good king" speaks on television in the evening and announces the verdict,
we show ourselves disrespectful. But always with elegance.
Oh no no ...

Chorus x2

Car, subway, work, consumption, decrees, prescribed absurdities.
And woe to him who thinks ...
And woe to him who dances ...

Every authoritarian measure, every security order
sweeps away our trust more. You try with perseverance
lock up our conscience.
Oh no no ...

Chorus x2

Let's not be impressed by any of these
unreasonable people,
sell the fear in abundance. Indecent fears.

Let's keep them at bay for our sanity.
For our social and ecological health
are our smiles, our intelligence
the instruments of resistance to their madness.
Oh no no ...

The song is from Kaddour Hadadi, known as HK, the head behind the artist collective HK and les Saltimbanks, a son of Algerian immigrants, known in France as a classic left-wing singer-songwriter with links to the labor movement. So exactly the artist whose colleagues in our latitudes are boomingly silent. Hadadi released the song "Danser encore" in December last year, and the video for it has already been viewed more than two million times on YouTube, and the trend is rising. With the tightening of the corona measures in France, the song has become the anthem of peaceful resistance, and it has already been sung at hundreds of flash mobs in dozens of cities. It's nice to see that many people in France have retained their joie de vivre and their typical Gallic spirit of resistance. It's also hard to denigrate the colorful mix of musicians and flash mobbers as conspiracy theorists, Nazis or anti-Semites. In this country, the police would probably come with tear gas and rubber bullets and the media would proclaim the pandemic demise of the West. France is apparently a little further there...

We want to show the song and the beautiful videos as they give courage. All of Europe has gone mad? No! A country populated by indomitable Gauls never ceases to resist madness. And that's a good thing and gives us all courage. Nous on veut continuer à danser encore!

HK - Danser encore (Official)
HK - Danser encore (Official)

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

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