In the local supermarket you buy a can of tomato paste with an Italian-looking label and have the feeling that you are on the safe side and that you are cooking healthily. Most people no longer know how to make tomato paste themselves. Others buy canned tangerines for the tart and think they're just peeled and pickled. It's fruit and healthy. But far from it. Most of the frozen food and canned food offered in our supermarkets is top-class poison from the Far East – especially from China.

The creeping death from China in our kitchen

"Well, it won't be that bad, otherwise you wouldn't be able to sell it," think many, if not most, of them. But the fact is that these ready meals contain chemical additives. For example, certain mold spores are used for preservation. It has long been scientifically proven that the fungi themselves kill our microbiome and cause certain diseases. Whether the spores do the same – we simply don’t know yet. Other regulators and additives have shown in tests over the last ten years that they also kill our microbiome and are the number one cause of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, etc. And thus a kind of friendly entry aid for the pharmaceutical industry and its sales.

The fact that these products are changed or taken off the market is already absurd enough, because the cogs all mesh, the food system that has been built up over decades would have to be switched off or rebuilt. And business associations and politicians hold their hands protectively over it. The victims are the people who are under-educated about this practice (they learn about 60 supposed sexes in school, but nothing about the content of our "food") and the farmers who try to produce really good food.

But these are still the smallest problems. In China, numerous ingredients are added that have long been banned here. This does not necessarily happen in the already harmful chemical treatment in factories, but through waste water and air and soil pollution from large-scale industry. The fields where our "Italian" tomatoes are grown in China are already badly affected by these industrial contaminants. So that the yields are still worthwhile, chemical clubs are used, some of which are no longer permitted in Europe - and for a really good reason. This further reduces the yield of the fields, so that even more chemicals have to be used next year. The remains and consequences of this can be found in the food. In addition, there is a good dose of different pesticides, which are also deposited in the products.

Of course, food is checked at the port, but that doesn't play a major role in relation to this content. Germany is the only country in the EU that has special rules for imports from China. Furthermore, the food does not have to be labeled as to where it comes from if it has been processed. So we continue to think that we buy Italian tomato paste from Italy, but many people do not realize that this comes from heavily contaminated tomatoes in China.

Even the Chinese themselves, if possible, do not buy any products from their own Chinese production. However, only those who can afford it in the communist country. This does not include farmers and factory workers, who work 10 to 12 hours a day plus overtime for the low wage of 220 euros a month, even by Chinese standards. We don't seem to care here. We focus on convenience and so many people consume these products against their better knowledge. The prevailing opinion is that what doesn't make you sick or kill you overnight can't be that bad. Until many, but not all, have to live with the consequences. And even then, many people would rather take ineffective and disease-causing drugs from the other criminal industry (the pharmaceutical industry) than change their diet and avoid ready meals.

There have been numerous nutritional trends in recent years, but none of them contribute much to health. The only effective and demonstrably successful way is to avoid finished products wherever possible. And this not only affects tomato paste, frozen food and cans, but also our bread and many processed foods...

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

My blog was never designed to spread news, let alone get political, but with current affairs I just can't help but capture information here that is otherwise censored on all other channels. I am aware that the design page may not seem "serious" to many in this regard, but I will not change this to please the "mainstream". Anyone who is open to non-state-compliant information sees the content and not the packaging. I've tried enough to provide people with information over the last 2 years, but quickly noticed that it never matters how it's "packaged", but what the other person's attitude towards it is. I don't want to put honey on anyone's mouth to meet expectations in any way, so I'll keep this design because hopefully at some point I'll be able to stop making these political statements, because it's not my goal to go on like this forever ;) I leave it up to everyone how they deal with it. However, you are welcome to simply copy and distribute the content, my blog has always been under the WTFPL license.

It's hard for me to describe what I'm actually doing here, DravensTales has become a culture blog, music blog, shock blog, tech blog, horror blog, fun blog, a blog about found items on the internet, internet bizarre, trash blog, art blog, water heater, zeitgeist blog over the years , Scrap blog and grab bag blog called. Everything that is right ... - and yet not. The main focus of the blog is contemporary art, in the broadest sense of the word.

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