Message from AirBnB: Expect travel restrictions from governments after June 6, 2024
Message from AirBnB: Expect travel restrictions from governments after June 6, 2024

This is a quick post to report an interesting email sent from AirBnB on April 6th: We are updating our Extenuating Circumstances Policy and changing its name to make it easier to understand. The revised Major Disruptive Event Policy applies to all trips and experiences departing on or after June 6th.

Message from AirBnB: Expect travel restrictions from governments after June 6, 2024
Three Types of Facebook Friend Requests in 2024
Three Types of Facebook Friend Requests in 2024

In 2024 there will be three types of Facebook friend requests: Bots and AI-generated Klumpat Loan offers, inheritance applications from Nigeria and Ponzi schemes Afd voters I need all three as urgently as a football-sized boil on my butt...

Three Types of Facebook Friend Requests in 2024
Has Facebook been hacked?
Has Facebook been hacked?

What's going on on Facebook? Currently, users worldwide are simply logged out of the social network. There is apparently a disruption behind this that also affects other meta services. Anyone who opens the Facebook app currently (March 5, 2024 16:30 p.m.) sometimes receives the message “Session expired. Please log in again." However, it is not possible to log in again. This one will

Has Facebook been hacked?
A cause of division. About the situation in the country!
A cause of division. About the situation in the country!

In this in-depth essay, Markus Langemann, editor of the online magazine “Clear Words Club”, examines the remarkable change in the way we practice and accept criticism in the digital age. It examines the transition from a culture of constructive criticism to a form of communication dominated by resentment, which occurs in social media, blogs and comment sections

A cause of division. About the situation in the country!
Wikipedia: Jewish origins of the Rothschilds removed
Wikipedia: Jewish origins of the Rothschilds removed

Most people know that the information on Wikipedia cannot be trusted completely. If not, here is another manipulation of the reference work: Recently Wikipedia removed the Ashkenazi Jewish origins of the Rothschilds and changed it to European. Are conspiracy theories no longer “anti-Semitic” but anti-European?

Wikipedia: Jewish origins of the Rothschilds removed
WEF warns of “catastrophic” cyber events in 2024
WEF warns of “catastrophic” cyber events in 2024

2023 certainly wasn't a walk in the park, but it could very well be the last year we were able to enjoy some semblance of normality. There was no pandemic. A war broke out, but it didn't come to us. With our paper money we can still buy food and energy to heat our homes

WEF warns of “catastrophic” cyber events in 2024
Word meaning “online”
Word meaning “online”

Something interesting about the meaning of the word “online”: on = English. = on line = English = leash | also snake online = on a leash (to be) | Snake = Lucifer = Seduction Whenever you go online, you should be aware that you are being kept on a leash and are exposed to seduction. Recognize that

Word meaning “online”
TikTok is a tool to keep the future generation stupid
TikTok is a tool to keep the future generation stupid

The Chinese Communist Party would like nothing more than to continue brainwashing our children through apps like TikTok. Governor Glenn Youngkin's move to protect minors from this harmful influence is an important step in ensuring their well-being. Because TikTok is primarily a tool to stupid the future western generation

TikTok is a tool to keep the future generation stupid
The Internet is worse than ever – what now?
The Internet is worse than ever – what now?

In 2022, almost half of Americans expected a civil war in the next few years, and one in five now believe political violence is justified. And this applies not just to the USA, but to the entire world. People increasingly see themselves as part of opposing teams. There are many different reasons for this, but one

The Internet is worse than ever – what now?
Unlimited number of email addresses with Gmail
Unlimited number of email addresses with Gmail

In some situations you need a new email address, for example to receive another 10% member discount in specialist stores or to receive another percentage when you subscribe to the newsletter. Of course there are other reasons too, but more on that later. With an email address in Gmail, this can be done very easily and without much effort. Create

Unlimited number of email addresses with Gmail
Social Media Manipulation as Big Business
Social Media Manipulation as Big Business

The manipulation of social media has become a huge business, here we see an example from Indonesia and here it only seems to be about trivialities such as lifestyle, fashion, etc. What do you think is going on with social issues in politics, business and science?

Social Media Manipulation as Big Business
Elon Musk in conversation with Annalena Baerbock
Elon Musk in conversation with Annalena Baerbock

Baerbock is the best that Germany has to offer in terms of stand-up comedy in recent years. She delivers her punchlines so dryly that she doesn't notice it herself. We should carve the conversation in stone so that our descendants, when they have finally regressed, will understand what really happened...

Elon Musk in conversation with Annalena Baerbock
Information Warfare
Information Warfare

Facebook's AI can analyze memes, but can it understand them? Facebook's Rosetta technology analyzes billions of images that contain text, but memes are too complex for artificial intelligence. Billions of texts, photos and videos are uploaded to social media every day. This is a wealth of human information

Information Warfare
State censorship: Protection from reality
State censorship: Protection from reality

Direct government censorship of the Internet has become a reality thanks to the Digital Services Act. Our right to freedom of expression is freedom or death, we must fight the powerful! – Chuck D, Rapper, Public Enemy Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, there is

State censorship: Protection from reality
Today the Digital Service Act comes into force in the EU
Today the Digital Service Act comes into force in the EU

Today, August 25, 2023, the “Digital Service Act” (DSA, roughly: Digital Services Act) comes into force in the EU, but what is it anyway? The Digital Services Act is a far-reaching EU law that protects consumers' rights, curbs illegal content and disinformation online, and promotes fair competition between service providers of all sizes

The “Digital Service Act” comes into force in the EU today
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Emojibator: a vibrator with an Eggplant emoji design?

Emojibator: a vibrator with an Eggplant emoji design?

As is well known, the eggplant is used as a penis in Emoji Speak, for whatever reason. Apart from the shape of course, hopefully looks...
The other day on Tinder

The other day on Tinder

Not only people but also animals like to take selfies, whether polar bears or gorillas. The following photos by Silvio Medeiros ...
Can't. Stop. Watching.

Can't. Stop. Watching.

The childhood of a coder mit einem Volltreffer, aber sowas von! ;) (via CommitStrip) ...
Rainbow Hunt: rain simulator for the browser

Rainbow Hunt: rain simulator for the browser

Im Bett liegen und dem Regen zuhören, das perfekte Einschlafszenario. Für Romantiker gibts jetzt den Regen-Simulator "Rainbow Hunt" auch für ...
EasyBlackWeb brings you to the Darknet too

EasyBlackWeb brings you to the Darknet too

Neben all dem illegalen Kram wie Drogen, Waffen, usw. dient das Darknet unter anderem auch in einigen Ländern politischen Aktivisten ...
Shitstorm: And suddenly the whole world hates you

Shitstorm: And suddenly the whole world hates you

Average internet users don't know what it's like to get caught up in a shitstorm. However, many companies know this feeling all too well...
Keepalive: A stone that turns fire into WiFi

Keepalive: A stone that turns fire into WiFi

In Neuenkirchen, Lower Saxony, Aram Bartholl put a stone in the forest that becomes a Wi-Fi hotspot when you're at a ...
Why certain Youtube tutorials come straight from hell

Why certain Youtube tutorials come straight from hell

Anyone who is familiar with Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, i.e. the Adobe programs, probably cannot understand the problems that many people have. Problems like...
Sampulator: Beats mixed from the browser itself

Sampulator: Beats mixed from the browser itself

Dank HTML5 ist selbstgemachte Musik im Browser ja kein Hexenwerk mehr und so gibt es komplette Synthies und Beatmaschinen, da ...
Signal jammer tanks

Signal jammer tanks

These three tanks from Julian Oliver interfere with the signals from GSM, WiFi and GPS and therefore have the telling names ...
This Internet in a TV report from 1994

This Internet in a TV report from 1994

The following TV report from over 20 years ago talks about online shopping, video-on-demand and bandwidth problems. Predicted right in the black...
Sausage Party Tool checks parties and warns of excess men

Sausage Party Tool checks parties and warns of excess men

Without the ladies, it is difficult to create a good atmosphere at a party. There is nothing more disgusting than ...
Internet instead of television - how powerful is YouTube?

Internet instead of television - how powerful is YouTube?

Diese fast einstündige Dokumentation von Planet Wissen über YouTube als Fernsehersatz beleuchtet nicht nur lustige Katzenvideos, sondern auch jede Menge ...
Web Trumps: The Website Quartet

Web Trumps: The Website Quartet

MJOM Cards haben das Internet zum Quartett umfunktioniert und so werden bekannte Massenseiten in Web Trumps z.B. über das Gründungsjahr, ...
A Gif in the Gueule

A Gif in the Gueule

Der Titel des Blogs von Nicolas Monterrat lässt sich in etwa übersetzen mit "Ein GIF in die Fresse" und schon ...
Pooductive: social network for people on the toilet

Pooductive: social network for people on the toilet

These days it's hard for a start-up to find a niche to fill, because there are pretty much...
Definition of reality

Definition of reality

Nur damit ihr wisst, wo dieses "Realität" eigentlich liegt, von dem immer alle um euch herum reden ...
Sickhouse - Trailer for the first Snapchat horror film

Sickhouse - Trailer for the first Snapchat horror film

Snapchat-User waren über fünf Tage hinweg dazu aufgerufen, an der Entstehung eines Horror-Thrillers der Regisseure Andrea Russett and Sean O’Donnell ...
The IKEA Dictionary

The IKEA Dictionary

Lars Petrus has a page where he tries to name all the products that IKEA sells ...
Sharks hate the internet

Sharks hate the internet

2014 berichtete Future Tense über Angriffe von Haien auf Untersee-Kabel und tatsächlich ist dies schon länger bekannt. So schrieb bereits ...
BangFit: The Pornhub Fitness Program

BangFit: The Pornhub Fitness Program

With BangFit, Pornhub presents a program with so-called "Sexercise Routines" that will get our fat bellies and asses back in shape...
Tilt Brush: The virtual reality painting program from Google

Tilt Brush: The virtual reality painting program from Google

Google präsentiert mit Tilt Brush sein eigenes Virtual Reality-Malprogramm und zeigt wohin die Reise hingeht. Mit Tilt Brush kann man ...
In Cuba, illegal file sharing works entirely without the Internet

In Cuba, illegal file sharing works entirely without the Internet

Überall auf der Welt haben die Leute Bedarf nach Unterhaltung, neuster Software und anderen Dingen, die den Geist auf Trab ...
I'm Busy: About the suffering of those working at the computer

I'm Busy: About the suffering of those working at the computer

Freunde, wenn ihr an einem Computer arbeiten müsst, dann kennt ihr das Problem: Es gibt einfach viel zu viele interessante ...
Skype with your parents while skydiving

Skype with your parents while skydiving

Why not? They're happy to see the boy again... ;) We went to Bounce Hostel in ...
Collection of signatures against the revised surveillance law BÜPF

Collection of signatures against the revised surveillance law BÜPF

Die Gegner des revidierten Überwachungsgesetzes BÜPF haben mit der Unterschriftensammlung für das Referendum begonnen. Am Dienstag haben sie ihre Argumente ...
As a guest at Bruce Wayne: Walk through Batman's Batcave via street view

As a guest at Bruce Wayne: Walk through Batman's Batcave via street view

As suspected, "Batman vs. Superman" is a total flop, but Google compensates us with this Streetview GoogleMaps. Thanks to the virtual street view engine ...
Find the invisible cow

Find the invisible cow

Beim ersten Spielen von "Invisble Cow" hab ich praktisch nur gelacht und tue das auch immer noch. Wer schafft es ...

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