DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend
DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend

We now have a great opportunity - by transforming our shadows - to make the world a better place. Let us embark on a journey into our inner being and perceive the beauty of the dark that leads us into the light. Through the pain to freedom. It's all a question of

DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend
Fifties Robocop
Fifties Robocop

X-Men 1950's Super Panavision 70 Style was made with Midjourney, Elevenlabs, Pikalabs and Runwayai and edited in CapCut. Chat GPT script. Music made with Udiomusic…

Fifties Robocop
CO2 does not cause global warming
CO2 does not cause global warming

Three physicists show through experiments that CO2's ability to absorb radiation is saturated. If the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rises above the threshold of around 300 ppm, this will have no significant impact on the climate. Due to saturation, ever higher concentrations do not lead to further absorption of radiation. Would you have one?

CO2 does not cause global warming
Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam
Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam

Bitcoin, blockchains, NFTs, Web 3.0… it's time to find out if it's really hype or just one of the biggest scams in human history. Currently as we see the crypto market reach its zenith, we should note that this is not driven by any type of use case or practicality. It's like

Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam
DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun
DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun

Wintersun have given the previously unreleased track “The Dragon Song” a video. The song comes from the bonus part “Legendary Early Demos” of the “Time Package” – a deluxe version of the upcoming album “Time II”, which the band is offering at a special price on Indiegogo until April 30th. The album is from “Time I”.

DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun
“Covid” was a hoax
“Covid” was a hoax

Many people who simply felt unwell were deemed suspected of having COVID without any testing. There were no other health conditions during COVID. If you felt unwell in a nursing home you were automatically classified as COVID positive. This and much more, such as the RKI protocols, confirm what I have been saying all along: “Covid”

“Covid” was a hoax
Farewell to Atlas
Farewell to Atlas

For nearly a decade, Atlas has captured our imaginations, inspired the next generations of roboticists and broken down technical barriers in the field. Now it's time for the Atlas hydraulic robot to sit back and relax. Take a look back at everything Boston Dynamics has accomplished with the Atlas platform to date.

Farewell to Atlas
Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them
Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them

I think you remember a few years ago how the media labeled anyone who refused to wear a mask or get vaccinated a “grandma murderer.” Protecting older people, saving every minute of their lives – that was all that mattered. A few days ago an article appeared in a Dutch mainstream newspaper,

Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them
DBD: Legend – Otyken
DBD: Legend – Otyken

Otyken play ethno-rock'n'roll: throat singing accompanied by a synthesizer, the cheerful clatter of maracas and the strumming of tambourines. Something that looks like the skull of a large animal flashes in the picture... Yes, it's a skull without a doubt... The members of Otyken are natives of Siberia and their music is currently being played at European parties. 2022

DBD: Legend – Otyken
Cyber ​​world – The future is now
Cyber ​​world – The future is now

The documentary addresses the most recent upheavals since the emergence of the cyber world, from the promises of the Internet to big data and artificial intelligence to cyber warfare. The prefix “cyber” comes from ancient Greek and means something like “to control”. But do people really still have everything under control? Since the invention of the Internet, they have been doing this

Cyber ​​world – The future is now
Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert
Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert

In 2008, Iron Maiden embarked on what is probably the most extraordinary tour in rock history, their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour. On the first part of the tour, British heavy metal band Iron Maiden travels around the world in a Boeing 757 with the band name on the fuselage. The so-called Ed Force One is personally controlled by singer Bruce Dickinson. With

Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert
Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society
Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society

The usual scammers from the healthcare industry and the pharmaceutical mafia are happy… and the numbers will continue to rise. Among other things, it is also a consequence of the lying pandemic and the constant state, media-orchestrated panic. Money makes the world go round!

Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society
DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight
DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight

Hartlight has unveiled their new concept album “As Above, So Below”, an exploration of alchemy and magic through the lens of heavy, progressive, power, gothic and symphonic metal. This project is based on the hermetic principle “as above, so below” and spins a profound philosophical story about the connections of the universe. The core duo, Noémie Marie and Adrien

DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight
Conservation is right
Conservation is right

So that you know where the wind will blow in the future, since people are always defending themselves against this delusional environmental destruction. So now you know...

Conservation is right
Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it
Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it

The eyes are directed to the right, but the danger comes from a different direction. There was something about traitors. Such votes should be shown more often, especially to a large audience...

Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it
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Japanese ninja-proof floors from the 17th century

Japanese ninja-proof floors from the 17th century

Wenn man sich in der Edo-Zeit auch oder Tokugawa-Zeit Japans schlafen legte wüsste man nicht, ob man den nächsten Morgen ...
Traveling along the paths of “Game Of Thrones”: Original filming locations in Croatia

Traveling the paths of "Game Of Thrones": Original filming locations in Croatia

Asta Skujytė-Razmien traveled to Croatia with her husband this summer to visit the original filming locations of the popular TV series "Game of...
Flown over Graubünden in 4K

Flown over Graubünden in 4K

Kevin Walker created this little masterpiece. Great music! Great cut! Hammer flew! Great pictures! Stunning shots and best advertising...
Hoodies from Japan that look like samurai armor

Hoodies from Japan that look like samurai armor

Freunde, wolltet ihr schon immer ein Samurai sein, aber hattet keine Lust auf die ganze "dafür muss man sein ganzes ...
Real zombie hunt in a mall: Zombie Shopping Mall

Real zombie hunt in a mall: Zombie Shopping Mall

Friends, want to fight the undead and kill a few zombies? In real and so? Real Life Zombie Hunting? And ...
Rush hour in Copenhagen

Rush hour in Copenhagen

Rush Hour in Kopenhagen sieht etwas anders aus als in Peking... wobei es noch nicht sooo lange her ist, war ...
Paris: Instead of the Eiffel Tower, sleep with sharks once

Paris: Instead of the Eiffel Tower, sleep with sharks once

At Airbnb you can experience Paris in a very special way, because you can win two nights in the aquarium, more precisely: in ...
Kisses: How the French treat their friends

Kisses: How the French treat their friends

Ein Küsschen, zwei Küsschen oder drei Küsschen? Zuerst rechts oder links, in die Luft, auf die Wange oder sogar auf ...
Mountain bike downhill on a 50% gradient

Mountain bike downhill on a 50% gradient

Extremmountainbiker Andrew Taylor hate eine der Treppenabfahrten für das Red Bull Sky Gate Fahrradrennen mit Helmkamera testet – der Teil ...
Ocean Gravity

Ocean Gravity

Ozean Gravity ist ein Kurzfilm, der uns das Freitauchen mit der Schwerelosigkeit in der Unterwasserwelt näher bringt. Er zeigt uns, ...
70'000 Tons of Metal 2016 Recap Videos

70 Tons of Metal 000 Recap Videos

Vom 4. bis 8. Februar waren um die 3000 Metaller aus 72 verschiedenen Ländern an Bord der "Independence of the ...
Sushi that looks like koi

Sushi that looks like koi

Diese bunte Koi-förmige Sushi ist der letzte Schrei in Japan. DZu haben gibt es diese für ca. $ 6,70 das ...
Cityhopper World

Cityhopper World

Sven Boekhorst, der Trickser auf Rollen, schenkt uns mit seinem Team und Cityhopper World gleich eine kleine Weltreise. Mit originellen ...
Dog catches lobsters and brings them to master

Dog catches lobsters and brings them to master

Alex Schulze, einer der Gründer des umweltfreundlichen Unternehmens Devocean, hat einem Labrador das Hummer jagen beigebracht. In folgendem Video zeigt ...
The royal flush

The royal flush

Sonniges Wetter, frisch gegrillte Würstchen, herrlich blaues Wasser, eine grossen Rutsche und das ganze natürlich in Slow-Motion. Und all das ...
Nano Niagara Falls timelapse

Nano Niagara Falls timelapse

Joerg Daiber has given Niagara Falls a miniature treatment as part of his LittleBigWorld series. As usual, the finest tilt-shift timelapse in 4K resolution. There are...
Tito's shelter

Tito's shelter

A beautifully illustrated portrait in 8 minutes by Felix Löchel (IMAF) that shows that Bosnia/Herzegovina has a lot more to offer...
Powerful Iceland

Powerful Iceland

Brilliant shots by photographer Garðar Ólafsson, who brings us closer to beautiful Iceland. It's much less icy there...
Happier Camper: Great retro caravan with a flexible interior

Happier Camper: Great retro caravan with a flexible interior

This is how a caravan should be: not too big, but very classic and discreet in a retro style. "Happier Camper" doesn't just...
Super Bloom: When the desert blooms - rain in Death Valley

Super Bloom: When the desert blooms - rain in Death Valley

Wie wir alle wissen, sind Niederschläge im Death Valley eher selten. Vor ein paar Tagen allerdings kam jede Menge Regen ...
Winter in Moscow

Winter in Moscow

Wunderschöne Luftaufnahmen von YouTuber Alex, der seine Kamera-Drohne über dem vereisten Moskaus hat steigen lassen. Schön anzusehen, vorallem wenn man ...
Dax und Kristen interpretieren Totos "Africa" in ihrem Urlaubsvideo neu

Dax and Kristen reinterpret Toto's "Africa" ​​in their vacation video

Dax und Kristen wollten offenbar ihre Erinnerungen konservieren und haben ein Urlaubsvideo gedreht, das locker als Clip zu Totos "Africa" ...
Kinabuhi: Video portrait of Filipino coconut farmers

Kinabuhi: Video portrait of Filipino coconut farmers

Zum Anbau von Kokosnüssen wissen wir ja hier nur wenig. Irgendwie kommen die Flocken in die Tüte und die Milch ...
What is the name of this creature?

What is the name of this creature?

Na Freunde, habt ihr schon einmal eine solche Kreatur gesehen? Sieht etwas "speziell" aus, nicht? Diese Tierchen findet man beispielsweise ...
Europe's first underwater museum turns the seabed into an art gallery

Europe's first underwater museum turns the seabed into an art gallery

British artist Jason deCaires produces concrete statues for his Museo Atlántico, Europe's first underwater museum. Ultimately, a total of 300 human-sized...
Kenny Belaey's balance

Kenny Belaey's balance

Trial pro Kenny Belaey rides his bike in the French Alps at 2700 m above sea level. via a slackline, which is over 112m...
Kikkerlandje: Tiny Tilt-Shift Holland

Kikkerlandje: Tiny Tilt-Shift Holland

As is well known, the Dutch also call their country Kikkerlandje, which means something like "Little Land of Frogs", in reference to the relatively...


Absaroka Range ist ein Gebirgszug in den Rocky Mountains. Duncan Wolfe hat diesen Film gemacht und das Gedicht ist stammt ...

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