DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend
DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend

We now have a great opportunity - by transforming our shadows - to make the world a better place. Let us embark on a journey into our inner being and perceive the beauty of the dark that leads us into the light. Through the pain to freedom. It's all a question of

DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend
Fifties Robocop
Fifties Robocop

X-Men 1950's Super Panavision 70 Style was made with Midjourney, Elevenlabs, Pikalabs and Runwayai and edited in CapCut. Chat GPT script. Music made with Udiomusic…

Fifties Robocop
CO2 does not cause global warming
CO2 does not cause global warming

Three physicists show through experiments that CO2's ability to absorb radiation is saturated. If the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rises above the threshold of around 300 ppm, this will have no significant impact on the climate. Due to saturation, ever higher concentrations do not lead to further absorption of radiation. Would you have one?

CO2 does not cause global warming
Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam
Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam

Bitcoin, blockchains, NFTs, Web 3.0… it's time to find out if it's really hype or just one of the biggest scams in human history. Currently as we see the crypto market reach its zenith, we should note that this is not driven by any type of use case or practicality. It's like

Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam
DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun
DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun

Wintersun have given the previously unreleased track “The Dragon Song” a video. The song comes from the bonus part “Legendary Early Demos” of the “Time Package” – a deluxe version of the upcoming album “Time II”, which the band is offering at a special price on Indiegogo until April 30th. The album is from “Time I”.

DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun
“Covid” was a hoax
“Covid” was a hoax

Many people who simply felt unwell were deemed suspected of having COVID without any testing. There were no other health conditions during COVID. If you felt unwell in a nursing home you were automatically classified as COVID positive. This and much more, such as the RKI protocols, confirm what I have been saying all along: “Covid”

“Covid” was a hoax
Farewell to Atlas
Farewell to Atlas

For nearly a decade, Atlas has captured our imaginations, inspired the next generations of roboticists and broken down technical barriers in the field. Now it's time for the Atlas hydraulic robot to sit back and relax. Take a look back at everything Boston Dynamics has accomplished with the Atlas platform to date.

Farewell to Atlas
Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them
Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them

I think you remember a few years ago how the media labeled anyone who refused to wear a mask or get vaccinated a “grandma murderer.” Protecting older people, saving every minute of their lives – that was all that mattered. A few days ago an article appeared in a Dutch mainstream newspaper,

Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them
DBD: Legend – Otyken
DBD: Legend – Otyken

Otyken play ethno-rock'n'roll: throat singing accompanied by a synthesizer, the cheerful clatter of maracas and the strumming of tambourines. Something that looks like the skull of a large animal flashes in the picture... Yes, it's a skull without a doubt... The members of Otyken are natives of Siberia and their music is currently being played at European parties. 2022

DBD: Legend – Otyken
Cyber ​​world – The future is now
Cyber ​​world – The future is now

The documentary addresses the most recent upheavals since the emergence of the cyber world, from the promises of the Internet to big data and artificial intelligence to cyber warfare. The prefix “cyber” comes from ancient Greek and means something like “to control”. But do people really still have everything under control? Since the invention of the Internet, they have been doing this

Cyber ​​world – The future is now
Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert
Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert

In 2008, Iron Maiden embarked on what is probably the most extraordinary tour in rock history, their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour. On the first part of the tour, British heavy metal band Iron Maiden travels around the world in a Boeing 757 with the band name on the fuselage. The so-called Ed Force One is personally controlled by singer Bruce Dickinson. With

Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert
Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society
Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society

The usual scammers from the healthcare industry and the pharmaceutical mafia are happy… and the numbers will continue to rise. Among other things, it is also a consequence of the lying pandemic and the constant state, media-orchestrated panic. Money makes the world go round!

Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society
DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight
DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight

Hartlight has unveiled their new concept album “As Above, So Below”, an exploration of alchemy and magic through the lens of heavy, progressive, power, gothic and symphonic metal. This project is based on the hermetic principle “as above, so below” and spins a profound philosophical story about the connections of the universe. The core duo, Noémie Marie and Adrien

DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight
Conservation is right
Conservation is right

So that you know where the wind will blow in the future, since people are always defending themselves against this delusional environmental destruction. So now you know...

Conservation is right
Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it
Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it

The eyes are directed to the right, but the danger comes from a different direction. There was something about traitors. Such votes should be shown more often, especially to a large audience...

Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it
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Instant Buzz: The commercial of the day

Instant Buzz: The commercial of the day

Slow motion explosion, Japanese schoolgirls, zombies, drones, samurai, sumo wrestlers, supernatural, parkour, football and a Rube Goldberg - all this and much more...
How a dachshund herd advertises ketchup

How a dachshund herd advertises ketchup

This spot is a hot candidate for the best commercial in February. Because when we look at a commercial that...
Bela B., the old punk rocker, promotes DIY enthusiasts

Bela B., the old punk rocker, promotes DIY enthusiasts

Friends, if the voice from the new Hornbach clip sounds familiar to you, that's probably intended. For her late summer campaign ...
Biggest asshole in the world

Biggest asshole in the world

Hier der wohl beste Werbeclip, den wir seit langem gesehen haben. Mit dem grössten Arschloch der Welt hat der Clip ...
Origami fitness studio: couch potato becomes an athlete

Origami fitness studio: couch potato becomes an athlete

The "Sport Life" fitness studio distributed these creative direct mail in Ukraine. The sender wanted the lazy population this way ...
Drones censor the private parts of naked ballet dancers

Drones censor the private parts of naked ballet dancers

This amusing commercial was commissioned by BUYMA, a Japanese clothing retailer. While two almost naked dancers (one...
Graham survives every accident

Graham survives every accident

With Graham, the Australian Road Safety Authority shows us what you'd have to look like to survive virtually any car accident. An oversized...
Giant power for a giant feat. The great khali

Giant power for a giant feat. The great khali

"The Great Khali" ist ein Profi-Wrestler aus Indien. Ein riesig grosser Kerl. Und er hat es nicht einfach im Leben ...
Pet baby

Pet baby

Friends, are you not ready for a real baby yet? Then get Pet Baby! Pet Baby is like the...
Air Max Zero: On bubbles through time

Air Max Zero: On bubbles through time

Tolle Animation von ManvsMachine, an der unter anderem auch Jordi Pages mitgearbeitet hat. Ein Schreibtisch, ein Nike Sneaker und jede ...
Fitness bread packaging

Fitness bread packaging

Die ukrainische Werbeagentur MEX entwickelte dieses clevere Verpackungsdesign für Brot. Normalerweise führt das Verspeisen von viel Brot nicht zu einem ...
Japanese Donald Trump Commercial

Japanese Donald Trump Commercial

Dazu fällt mir ehrlich gesagt nicht viel ein... ausser huiuiui, wessen Geist ist diese audiovisuelle Horrorhalluzination entsprungen? Mike Diva heisst ...
True wetsuits

True wetsuits

If I could surf, I would probably treat myself to a True Wet Suit from Quiksilver Japan, which is specially designed for surfing business professionals...
Burger King and the fragrant Whopper scented trees

Burger King and the fragrant Whopper scented trees

Am 28. Mai war Hamburger Day und aus diesem Anlass testete Burger King Brasilien ein ganz besonderes Produkt. Dem guten ...
Nike Presents: The Switch ft. Cristiano Ronaldo, Harry Kane, Anthony Martial

Nike Presents: The Switch ft. Cristiano Ronaldo, Harry Kane, Anthony Martial

In the new Nike advertising clip "The Switch", which lasts no less than 6 minutes, none other than Christiano Ronaldo plays the ...
Ninja Turtle Cucumber Advertisement

Ninja Turtle Cucumber Advertisement

Sex sells! Es kann manch­mal so ein­fach sein. Ich hoffe aber, dass Sau­er­län­der Gurken rein op­tisch wenig mit den pri­mä­ren ...
The Homeless Bed Collection

The Homeless Bed Collection

The huge furniture outlet "Megamax" in Japan wanted to use this year's G7 summit there to draw attention to the increasing homelessness in the...
Android: Friends Furever

Android: Friends Furever

Twelve times Awwwwwwww! This clip made me smile. "Be Together. Not the Same." is the motto of this commercial, in which ...
Virtual tour through the EntPaper: New masterpiece from PESerprise

Virtual tour through the EntPaper: New masterpiece from PESerprise

Mit seinen Kurzfilmen begeisterte Adam Pesapane, besser bekannt als PES, schon des öfteren. Der aus New Jersey stammende Regisseur, erreichte ...
Advertisement for coffee milk with human cattle

Advertisement for coffee milk with human cattle

In Japan kann man mit einer Abschlussfeier an der Rinderakademie schön für ein Lebens­mittel werben ...
WC Frisch “Games of Thrones” commercial

WC Frisch «Games of Thrones» commercial

To get you in the mood for today's new Game of Thrones episode, here's the commercial from WC Frisch in the "Games of Thrones" guise...
The Evian Babies are back

The Evian Babies are back

Evian? There was something. That's right: Evian, the water in the supermarket that makes you feel like you're buying ...
The secret of Japanese school girls

The secret of Japanese school girls

The secret of Japanese schoolgirls is of course, like everywhere else in the world, good make-up, so the secret of Japanese schoolgirls is also ...
Bizarre TV commercial from Japan

Bizarre TV commercial from Japan

Japanische Marketing Unternehmen machen nicht nur seltsame oder alberne Werbung - sie machen auch einige der sehenswertesten TV-Spots der Welt ...
Drunk parents are monsters

Drunk parents are monsters

Dieser aufschreckenden Anti-Alkoholismus-Spot aus Finnland zeigt uns, wie Betrunkene (Eltern) auf Kinder wirken ...
Use traffic light phases to adapt advertising

Use traffic light phases to adapt advertising

MINI beherrscht virales Marketing aus dem Effeff. In Wien gibt man sich nicht mit Rot, Gelb und Grün zufrieden. Hier ...
Cloud Chasers, the cloud chasers

Cloud Chasers, the cloud chasers

Cloud chasers are called steamers, which can generate very large clouds of steam due to a special pulling technique and modified e-cigarettes. Cloud Chasers, ...


Friends, after this spot you will never be able to get Thunderhead out of your head! By the way, Thunderhead makes customer relationship software if...
Mouthwash for monster breath

Mouthwash for monster breath

Das Team von DDB hat für das Wunderwässerchen Watsons diese Printkampagne kreiert, die uns ganz seltsame Kreaturen präsentiert. Zusammengebaut u.a ...
Jurassic World Gadgets: Oversized dinosaur hand puppets from Hasbro

Jurassic World Gadgets: Oversized dinosaur hand puppets from Hasbro

Handpuppen sind mit Jurassic World nicht länger mehr nur was für Mädchen! Bald gibt es den T-Rex- und Velociraptor-Kopf aus ...

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