For Those About To Rot We Salute You

For Those About To Rot We Salute You

You can buy “Zombie Rock” by D13Design as a T-shirt over at the Neatoshop...
Alien: Covenant - German trailer

Alien: Covenant - German trailer

With "Alien: Covenant", the new chapter of his groundbreaking Alien franchise, Ridley Scott celebrates his return to the ...
Father explains to his son how to turn on the vacuum cleaner

Father explains to his son how to turn on the vacuum cleaner

Muuuuuahahaha! Allzu oft hat der junge Mann den Staubsauger offensichtlich noch nicht anmachen müssen. Jetzt sollte er aber wissen, wie ...
"Fear the Walking Dead" Season 3: Promo Videos and Launch Date

«Fear the Walking Dead» season 3: promo videos and start date

Until the start of the 8th season of "The Walking Dead" in October 2017 we have to wait a little longer. This means ...
Pepsi light as a dumbbell and thirst quencher

Pepsi light as a dumbbell and thirst quencher

Der Softdrink-Hersteller vermarktet seine Zwei-Kilo-Flaschen in Brasilien neuerdings in Hantelform. Denn der Körperkult wird in dem südamerikanischen Land schon lange ...
How does human flesh actually taste?

How does human flesh actually taste?

Viele Leute haben sich schon gefragt, wie Menschenfleisch schmeckt. Kannibalismus ist aber ein völlig Tabu-Thema und wenn man es wissenschaftlich ...
When the shared apartment becomes an exhibition: Roommate exhibits things lying around as art

When the shared apartment becomes an exhibition: Roommate exhibits things lying around as art

Freunde, wir alle lassen immer wieder mal etwas liegen, was man eigentlich sofort hätte wegräumen sollen. Sei es, weil wir ...
Dear Dr. Summer...

Dear Dr. Summer…

...whether this is Dr. Summer team can really help? (via waka)...
Alien: Covenant - Prologue and TV spots

Alien: Covenant - Prologue and TV spots

Inszeniert wurde "Alien: Covenant" von Kultregisseur Ridley Scott und es handelt sich hierbei um seinen mittlerweile dritten Ableger im Franchise ...
Backflip to the shit

Backflip to the shit

Heute ein bisschen Akrobatik - mit einem etwas "unglücklichen" Ende ...
Summer Shark Attack Trailer

Summer Shark Attack - Trailer

Bevor im Sommer der Sharknado seine gewohnte Rückkehr feiert, versucht Splendid Film bereits mit "Summer Shark Attack" für feucht-fröhliche Unterhaltung ...
Playing With Fire: Giant Jenga

Playing With Fire: Giant Jenga

Dieses brennende Riesen-Jenga zu spielen gibt dem ganzen eine Komponente, die das Spiel etwas interessanter macht. Ist zwar nichts für ...
App vs Nap

App vs Nap

Bei diesem Behind-the-Scenes Foto von "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" sehen wir Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt und einige andere ...
Exciting marble race ingeniously commented

Exciting marble race ingeniously commented

Ozzy Man kommentiert folgendem Video ein Murmel-, eigentlich eher ein Bälle-Rennen auf sehr unterhaltsame Weise, gepaart mit Kraftausdrücken über Drogen ...
DBD: Meat Grinder - The Idiots

DBD: Meat Grinder - The Idiots

Hier der Clip zum Song "Fleischwolf" von "The Idiots". Das Video zeigt neben jeder Menge lebendiger, toter und in Fleischform ...
Beer jam

Beer jam

Wer in der Früh mit einem mordsmässigen Kater aufwacht und ein adäquates Frühstück braucht: Schottische Brauer haben den ersten Brotaufstrich ...
Basketball fan of the day

Basketball fan of the day

If your head shape suits your favorite sport :) (via TunaOfTheSky) ...
Daredevil intro as 8-bit animation

Daredevil intro as 8-bit animation

I like Netflix's Daredevil, which unfortunately can't be said about the film. In the second season the Punisher is...
Hand made skull engraving of a Lincoln coin

Hand made skull engraving of a Lincoln coin

Shaun Hughes shares his complete handcrafted engraving process with us. Little by little, a boring Lincoln cent becomes a...
Can you find the hidden snake in this photo?

Can you find the hidden snake in this photo?

This photo is currently circulating on the Internet in which people are trying to find the snake. Can you spot them? Only ...
"Pacific Rim" as an 80s cartoon series

«Pacific Rim» as an 80s cartoon series

Jeremie Carreon made an intro for a "Pacific Rim" cartoon that unfortunately never existed, but the essence of these mecha anime...
American Gods Trailer

American Gods - Trailer

Bryan Fuller was unable to continue his award-winning thriller series about the most famous cannibal in film history "Hannibal", but is back with...
Animals Being Awesome

Animals Being Awesome

The animals that shoot at each other from time to time aren't that awesome or funny, but there are a few nice ones...
Hacker Fight

Hacker Fight

Joey and Kyle try to hack each other's websites. Apparently the two of them have seen too many movies with computer hackers...
Fencing enhanced with motion tracking and visual effects

Fencing enhanced with motion tracking and visual effects

Laypeople often find it difficult to follow the sport of fencing because everything happens very quickly and you don't understand the rules...
DBD: Cross My Heart And Hope To Die - Me And That Man

DBD: Cross My Heart And Hope To Die - Me And That Man

"Me And That Man", the side project of Behemoth singer Nergal, has a song from the current album "Songs of Love and ...
BBQ Toolbox: Mobile grill for real DIY enthusiasts

BBQ Toolbox: Mobile grill for real DIY enthusiasts

Anyone who never leaves the apartment without their beloved toolbox will be happy about this special grill. The summer comes ...
Freckle tattoos

Freckle tattoos

It wasn't that long ago that the lady of the world created fake freckles with stencils...


The following short film tells us the story of a young actor who somehow realizes that he suddenly has déjà vu. He always sees...

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