What is being implemented at extremely high speed in Germany these days just leaves you speechless. The German economy is being destroyed with full intent and people are celebrating in the media. This can no longer be explained with incompetence. We find similar events all over Europe, also here in Switzerland, if we look at the decline of Credit Suisse, for example. Laws only seem to apply to the people, in politics you just implement something and then quote some statement in the media so that people have something to think about. “To Big To Fail” is what people like to quote. Systemic relevance or in the other case «climate catastrophe». So there is something that stands above everything and which must not be touched and allows everything, including breaking existing laws. Philanthrocapitalism is probably a lot more accurate, only most people don't understand what the word means. There's a less flattering word for it: "predator capitalism." The big fish eats the small ones regardless of the losses.

Democracy was yesterday: transition to philanthrocapitalism harbors corruption at all levels

Environmental protection has always been an ignored topic in this form of society and economy. The North American Indians correctly stated this after their cultural annihilation at the end of the 19th century in this famous quote:

Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, and the last river poisoned, will you realize that money cannot be eaten.

Neoliberalism can only work as long as you can expand markets and you can only do that with raw materials, expanding markets or exploiting other countries. The best-known example is the textile workers in Bangladesh, who are exploited just so that we can have cheap clothes in the western market. Everyone is talking about climate change, but nobody about the massive environmental destruction caused by the excessive use of plastic (e.g. 3 huge plastic whirlpools in the Pacific Ocean), LNG terminals, sand mining (yes, that's a serious issue), or phosphorus shortages (is used for Fertilizer used), soil contamination through the degradation of rare earths (e.g. for batteries) and and and...

Democracy was yesterday: transition to philanthrocapitalism harbors corruption at all levels

In Germany it is now done like this, a US company secures the production of heat pumps, politics creates conditions where nobody can afford a property anymore and a large hedge fund, which incidentally also finances the climate activists, then systematically buys the "free" ones. become real estate. A huge business for the “big ones”. And in the EU – those who don't want to go along with it are subject to economic sanctions. This is neoliberalism in transition to philanthrocapitalism, which also brings with it socialism. Climate change is said to have been proven by measuring the CO2 content from earlier epochs through ice core drilling in the Arctic. That may be the case, but ultimately this can only be represented in theoretical models, which may or may not come. The average temperature increase, which Al Gore depicts in his documentary since the beginning of industrialization in the 2th century, can be an indication but it is not. However, one does not want to look at the real destruction of the environment and that, in combination with neoliberal approaches, tends to raise the suspicion that people are concerned about something other than us or the future of the planet. And if you want to save the world from destruction, then neoliberalism should be abolished. Apparently this has been understood and, as you can see in Germany, they want to introduce a Marxist planned economy model. It is openly admitted, but not called by its real name: philanthrocapitalism. The question is whether people want that too and whether there can't be a way that is for the people and doesn't just serve those who have profited from neoliberalism so far.

Democracy was yesterday: transition to philanthrocapitalism harbors corruption at all levels

Then, in the movie I-Robot, the hologram said "That's the right question." The two camps are now fighting each other extremely aggressively on Twitter, which ultimately only benefits those who can simply do what they want because we are busy fighting each other. We don't need these people who want to tell us what to do and what to think. We should decide for ourselves about our future. It is the essence of neoliberalism that people are only consumers or consumables. This system is all about profit, nothing else matters - and philanthro-capitalism is getting much worse, we can openly observe the beginnings of this over the last three years. We in Switzerland will soon be "allowed" to vote on our future in terms of energy. Protecting the environment is a sensible and important issue, but we should focus on our neighbours, because the same things want to be enforced everywhere in Europe.

In Germany, the approach has been fairly direct, without asking people for their opinion. Lots of people will lose their property if the current bill goes through. I don't think people will think that's great. As has now been revealed, family structures (Graichen clan) have been set up in the background of the German Ministry of Economic Affairs, which implement the wishes of financiers and hedge funds with good pay. On the one hand, these few people will benefit massively from the sale of new heating systems and, on the other hand, from the purchase of real estate, which the owners can then no longer hold. That's called "corruption" as far as I know. It's clear that those caught in the structural corruption want to keep things on the back burner.

Philanthrocapitalism (Bill Gates): How globalists take over the world

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

My blog was never designed to spread news, let alone get political, but with current affairs I just can't help but capture information here that is otherwise censored on all other channels. I am aware that the design page may not seem "serious" to many in this regard, but I will not change this to please the "mainstream". Anyone who is open to non-state-compliant information sees the content and not the packaging. I've tried enough to provide people with information over the last 2 years, but quickly noticed that it never matters how it's "packaged", but what the other person's attitude towards it is. I don't want to put honey on anyone's mouth to meet expectations in any way, so I'll keep this design because hopefully at some point I'll be able to stop making these political statements, because it's not my goal to go on like this forever ;) I leave it up to everyone how they deal with it. However, you are welcome to simply copy and distribute the content, my blog has always been under the WTFPL license.

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