In a startling statement for Canada's National Citizen Inquiry (NCI), James Scott MacKillop highlights a critical issue that requires urgent attention. Using evidence pulled straight from the Canadian government's website, MacKillop reveals the alarming evolution of bio-digital convergence policies that could shape a dystopian future if we don't act quickly.

At the heart of this revelation is Policy Horizons, a government initiative designed to spark a discussion about the potential changes and impact of COVID-19. Her true intentions seem to be hidden, however, and her vision for the future raises more questions than answers. MacKillop believes Canadians need to be kept informed of developments that could have a profound impact on their lives.

The core of bio-digital convergence revolves around the launch of a “new digital economy” that integrates social credit systems and impacts everything from health to economic transactions. MacKillop claims that the public is largely unaware of this shift. He warns of "synthetic biological pathogens" that manipulate human thought and behavior and the potential of a genetically engineered "superclass" of humans. The implications are far-reaching and complex, ranging from 3D-printed magnetic fluids that can be monitored inside our bodies to mind-altering brain-machine interfaces.

The statement indicates a global operation involving not only Canada but also other key nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Japan and China. MacKillop emphasizes that powerful interest groups and companies such as Amazon, Google, Tesla, Walmart and Starbucks are heavily invested in these developments. The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the International Electrotechnical Commission are important players in the decision-making process. The urgency of this matter cannot be underestimated. The looming introduction of a “central bank digital currency” and a controlled “Internet of bodies and things” is troubling. The potential loss of personal freedom, privacy, and autonomy is a harsh reality that cannot be ignored.

The most shocking revelation is the lack of public awareness of these developments. MacKillop emphasizes that the government does not solicit public opinion on these issues, but instead serves the interests of shareholders and corporations. Politicians seem complicit and even the media remain silent on these important issues. It is therefore the responsibility of individuals to educate themselves and engage in open discussions about bio-digital convergence. Only if we raise awareness and deal with the possible consequences can we hope to slow down or change this development. MacKillop's call to action is clear: initiate conversations, share information and demand transparency from the government. It is time for Canadians to stand up for their rights, question the direction of their society and work together towards a future that values ​​human values, autonomy and dignity.

The alarming politics of bio-digital convergence threatens human freedom
The alarming politics of bio-digital convergence threatens human freedom

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