The way the presenter Louis Klamroth (Luisa's boyfriend, the climate Jeanne d'Arc) disciplines Ms. Wagenknecht like a small child, interrupts her and builds up in an authoritarian manner in front of her is one of the most arrogant things I've ever seen on television . As for content: The first thing that dies in a war is the truth. This isn't just a bon mot. War crimes, if you like to call them that, since the entire war is a crime, usually only become fully known after the fact.

What numbers is the UN currently asking the Russian aggressor for? Can she even find out numbers of Ukrainian acts of revenge in recaptured areas? The war has been going on since 2014 and, of course, Azov battalions have also raped Russian women. As Wagenknecht says: War means that war crimes are committed on both sides. Certainly more rapes are committed by Russian soldiers since they are on Ukrainian territory. But there is also a large Russian-speaking population there. If territories are retaken, collaborators are punished, for example by being tied to lampposts and publicly flogged. The videos have been circulating on the Internet since the beginning of the war and are only a visible part of the "counter revenge" in recaptures. Of course there is rape there too. War, death and rape go hand in hand. As long as guns talk, there will be rape. To first fight for a better basis for negotiations by force of arms means paying for it with thousands upon thousands more deaths and rapes on both sides.

Already in the July '22 war crimes including rape on BOTH sides. Wagenknecht referred to this UN source, but unlike the moderator, could not present it on the show. This is not a discussion situation and evidence at eye level. In addition, the UN special representative did not rule out rapes by the Ukrainian side, she merely stated that the UN had no evidence of this. That's a completely different statement than "That didn't happen." Thus, Klamroth did not refute Wagenknecht, but only claimed to have done the same with said clip. When she wants to reply, Klamroth doesn't let her finish and turns to another person. This is the opposite of fair. It is also striking how coordinated the interaction between Klamroth and Göring-Eckardt is: Wagenknecht talks about war crimes, Göring-Eckardt narrows it down to rape – and as if on command, Klamroth brings a clip that ONLY deals with rape. If THAT is supposed to be the future of diversity of opinion in Germany – the only critical voices of any importance are lured into rhetorical traps 4:1 in talk shows simulating democracy in order to allegedly convict them of lying – I see this country as black, pitch black!

The staged outrage of the media
The staged outrage of the media

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