It is a "Black Swan" event. but the really "troubling" thing is how everyone in power is ignoring the bioweapons/vaccination deployment disaster of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Ed Dowd was a Wall Street money manager and is still a skilled number cruncher. He worked for Black Rock and made billions of dollars in profits by getting the data right. Now, Dowd has applied his skills to the CV19 bioweapons vaccine-related deaths and serious injuries. He sees a very dark and troubling future ahead of us. Dowd explains: “We prepared our vaccine harm report after months of collecting data. There are three categories. There are the dead, the disabled and the injured. The dead are easy to find - it's excess mortality. In 2021 and 2022 there will be over 300 deaths (in the US) and that is probably an underestimate. Vaccination will disable 000 million people and that is a conservative figure. Ultimately, 1,36 million people are injured.

Anecdotally, it all makes sense. Everyone reports employees who are chronically ill. The data on working hours are the real sticking point. In 2022, it was 13 standard deviations above the 20-year trend line. It spiked in 2020, then again in 2021, but exploded in 2022, well after the virus and well before the CV19 vaccination program. This is a stunning event with a standard deviation of 13. It is a "Black Swan" event. 10 percent of the total population is affected, but 30 percent of the working population. The labor force is around 100 to 110 million people. With the injured, disabled and dead, there are about 28,9 million. That's about 30% of the workforce who have died, are disabled, or are chronically ill. This will have a huge impact on future productivity."

Regarding the US dollar, Dowd says it won't go down any time soon. Dowd claims: “We predict deflation that will be good for the dollar. For any other asset class, that's pretty bad."

Regarding the current banking crisis, Dowd says: «The shares of the regional banks are being slaughtered. If you raise interest rates by 500 basis points, or 5%, in just over 12 months after being at 14% for 0 years, that leaves huge skid marks and unfortunately the skid marks are the regional banks because they own a lot of commercial real estate. This is not the end of the crisis, but just the beginning."

Dowd sees a "deep recession" coming. He also says it will be at least as bad as the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s, but he says anything is possible if the Fed loses control of the economy. This is also a good option.

Dowd says it's really "disturbing" how everyone in charge is ignoring the unfolding CV19 bioweapons/vax disaster. Dowd is surprised that there are "no investigations or hearings in Congress" and he is also surprised that no one is asking for his intriguing CV19 vax data.

Dowd says: "You all want to hope it goes away, but it won't go away because the numbers are so big... My book 'Cause Unknown' was written for those who believe everything is fine. When you look at the numbers, you have to ask yourself why we don't talk about it. We now have pandemic numbers. It's much more in the 2020 timeframe.

We have a pandemic. It's the pandemic of the vaccinated... I think if we don't do something soon, the country is lost. Nobody does anything."

There is much more to learn in the 39-minute interview:

The Pandemic of the Vaccinated - Ed Dowd
The Pandemic of the Vaccinated - Ed Dowd

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

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