It was clear from the start that the Ukraine war would not be the only war in this crisis and it was never hard to guess that something was definitely still brewing in the Middle East and that is what happened. But what is the historical background to the conflict in the Middle East?

You just have to go back to 1948. The state of Israel, the state of Israel, was founded in 1948 on the site of the Palestinians. The foundation and the first years of the state have required about half a million Palestinians from this area. So the whole thing was actually created on a act of violence and it is of course clear that this does not remain without consequences and the result was that a lot of Palestinian resistance groups were formed. In 1964 they joined the PLO, to the Palestinian liberation front. This Palestinian liberation front has been the role of Israel's great opponent at the time under Jassir Arafat, who was very well known. Then the influence of the PLO decreased, so that Hamas was founded, which was also supported by Israel from the start, as an opponent of the PLO - based on the principle: "Parts and rulers". Hamas came to power in 2006 or 2007, i.e. you won the elections in Palestine - and since then we have also had constant conflicts.

But you also have to know that these constant conflicts have always been fueled by the Israeli side, so the Israeli side has operated this settler policy, which the Palestinians kept in an open prison, especially in the Gaza Strip. 2,2 million people live on the area of ​​Munich in the Gaza Strip. There the Israelis have the say, they sealed the whole thing and built a huge fence around it. There are unspeakable conditions there and whenever there was a rocket from this area, the Israelis responded with retaliation and killed a lot of civilians in the process. At the moment it is only written by these 1500 deaths by the Hamas attack, but that there have been thousands of dead Palestinians in recent years and this was actually an everyday occurrence that Palestinian children were shot at all. Rarely have we had such one-sided reporting in the course of a conflict as now, and it is fatal to take either side.

It must be made clear that we want to view everything here from a neutral perspective and that we distance ourselves from any terror, regardless of whether it comes from Hamas or Israel. We condemn every bomb attack by Hamas, but we also condemn the policies of the Israelis, because it is precisely this policy of the Israelis that ensures that Hamas keeps getting new supplies. If you keep 2,2 million people in an open prison, it is quite clear that many young people are committed to Hamas. There are terrible conditions in the Gaza Strip: 45% unemployment, which means that the youth there have no future at all and so they drive these youth into the hands of these radicals and practically turn them into terrorists. That is one thing and that requires the other. You must never forget that. You can't be blind in one eye and only look at the other side just because that's what the media tells you.

Morality no longer plays a role at all today and the inhibition threshold, the red line, is systematically becoming crazy, the more cruel you behave in war, the greater your chances of winning this war, unfortunately that is the case.

So Ernst Wolff in conversation with Krissy Rieger and this is only a section of it, there is much more in the video and also an assessment of the escalation and what else will come to us ...

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The actual background to the conflict in the Middle East and what can still be expected
The actual background to the conflict in the Middle East and what can still be expected

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

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