"Swatting" is when someone calls the police, reports a kidnapping or something like that at their victim's house and then the SWAT team pulls up there in a tank and kicks in the door. Now, in Kansas, a 28-year-old man was named after a Prank call of a swatter shot dead by the police. May not be the first "trolling with fatal consequences", but probably one of the most symbolic. The alleged perpetrator, a 25-year-old guy from Los Angeles, was arrested. A very disgusting story.

This particular swatting reportedly originated over a $ 1.50 wagered match in the online game Call of Duty. Compounding the tragedy is that the man killed was an innocent party who had no part in the dispute. [...]

It appears that the dispute and subsequent taunting originated on Twitter. One of the parties to that dispute - allegedly using the Twitter handle “SWauTistic” - threatened to swat another user who goes by the nickname “7aLeNT“. @ 7aLeNT dared someone to swat him, but then tweeted an address that was not his own. [...] A story in the Wichita Eagle says officers responded to the 1000 block of McCormick and got into position, preparing for a hostage situation. “A male came to the front door,” Livingston said. "As he came to the front door, one of our officers discharged his weapon." [...]

Not long after that, Swautistic was back on Twitter saying he could see on television that the police had fallen for his swatting attack. When it became apparent that a man had been killed as a result of the swatting, Swautistic tweeted that he didn't get anyone killed because he didn't pull the trigger (see image above). Swautistic soon changed his Twitter handle to @ GoredTutor36, but KrebsOnSecurity managed to obtain several weeks' worth of tweets from Swautistic before his account was renamed. Those tweets indicate that Swautistic is a serial swatter - meaning he has claimed responsibility for a number of other recent false reports to the police.

Among the recent hoaxes he's taken credit for include a false report of a bomb threat at the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that disrupted a high-profile public meeting on the net neutrality debate. Swautistic also has claimed responsibility for a hoax bomb threat that forced the evacuation of the Dallas Convention Center, and another bomb threat at a high school in Panama City, Fla, among others. [...]

He said the thrill of it "comes from having to hide from police via net connections." Asked about the FCC incident, @ GoredTutor36 acknowledged it was his bomb threat. “Yep. Raped em, ”hey wrote. “Bomb threats are more fun and cooler than swats in my opinion and I should have just stuck to that,” he wrote. "But I began making $ doing some swat requests."

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

My blog was never designed to spread news, let alone get political, but with current affairs I just can't help but capture information here that is otherwise censored on all other channels. I am aware that the design page may not seem "serious" to many in this regard, but I will not change this to please the "mainstream". Anyone who is open to non-state-compliant information sees the content and not the packaging. I've tried enough to provide people with information over the last 2 years, but quickly noticed that it never matters how it's "packaged", but what the other person's attitude towards it is. I don't want to put honey on anyone's mouth to meet expectations in any way, so I'll keep this design because hopefully at some point I'll be able to stop making these political statements, because it's not my goal to go on like this forever ;) I leave it up to everyone how they deal with it. However, you are welcome to simply copy and distribute the content, my blog has always been under the WTFPL license.

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