The common raven presented here and mainly native to the northern hemisphere belongs together with jackdaws, magpies, jays and crows to the corvidae family, which have spread from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia over the whole world. Common ravens now not only colonize Europe and Siberia, but also North America, Alaska and even parts of the Arctic Circle.

Raven - keeper of magic


The raven enjoys a high degree of admiration in many cultures due to its outstanding intelligence, its magical charisma and its pitch-black and at the same time slightly bluish shimmering plumage.

Germanic peoples

The raven couple Hugin and Munin fly errands for Odin, the father of the gods, every day. They fly away at sunrise, return at sunset, and perch on Odin's shoulder to whisper the news to him. Hugin means "thought" and Munin means "memory". From a cultural-anthropological point of view, it is believed that the pair of ravens Hugin and Munin are supposed to replace Odin's missing left eye, which Odin once sacrificed to gain wisdom.


Morrigan, the goddess of death, is said to take the souls of warriors fallen in battle in the form of a raven and fly to Valhalla. Valhalla is the so-called Hall of Fame and Honor in the Otherworld, to which the souls of deceased soldiers are brought. Valhalla is also called "Hall of the Fallen".

Raven - keeper of magic

Ravens - medicine

Raven and crow as power animals have similarly potent medicines. Shamans with this power animal are feared and revered. The raven can fly to the afterlife and back again. If you have the raven as a power animal, there is strong magic in you. He reminds you that you have clairvoyant and healing powers within you. If you haven't discovered it yet, you may not have let go of the past and therefore cannot see the present. The future plays too big a role. Use the here and now more. Try to win the forces of darkness and don't be afraid of the black emptiness. There is a very strong healing spell within you, which also works at great distances. If you abuse this energy, however, it can turn against you and harm you. The raven is the protector of all secret things, so do not divulge them. Knowing, daring, wanting and being silent is appropriate! Show the necessary respect for this type of magic, because otherwise the raven power can turn against you very quickly. Do not draw any material benefit from this power and thank the raven regularly for his support.


When ravens appear in your dreams, they usually herald misfortune and failure or warn of danger. If you hear the call of a raven, he wants to indicate bad news, an imminent death or impending disaster in the immediate vicinity. However, if the raven appears in a positive context, it can draw attention to itself not only as a power animal, but also as a deceased relative who seeks contact with the dreaming in the form of the raven.

Rune: Algiz

The raven is closely related to the Algiz rune, which not only symbolizes antlers, but also a raven's foot. Together with the raven as a power animal, Algiz protects against harmful influences and helps to keep secrets well. It also promotes active defense and magically attracts luck.

Raven - keeper of magic
(Source: shamanic power animals, via Nordic-Celtic gods and their myths)

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