Exclusive research on Putin and Langemann speaks plainly
Exclusive research on Putin and Langemann speaks plainly

In seinem neuesten Video teilt Markus Langemann, Herausgeber des «Club der klaren Worte», tiefgründige Gedanken und Begegnungen, die Fragen zur gesellschaftlichen Spaltung und der Rolle des Journalismus aufwerfen. Tauche ein in eine Welt der kritischen Reflexion über politische Einstellungen und die Gegenwart unserer Konsum- und Medienkultur. Ein Muss für jeden, der bereit ist, über den

Exclusive research on Putin and Langemann speaks plainly
DBD: Missa Negra – La Chanson Noire
DBD: Missa Negra – La Chanson Noire

“Missa Negra” by La Chanson Noire is a foretaste of an upcoming purely acoustic album, also titled “Missa Negra”. Recorded in Paris and Lisbon, the album marks La Chanson Noire's return to the stage and to recordings. It will appeal to fans of Nick Cave, Antony and the Johnsons, Sopor Aeternus and

DBD: Missa Negra – La Chanson Noire
How people imagine Satan
How people imagine Satan

As Ezekiel describes him... and people are freaking out after finding out what Satan actually looks like. Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: With the Relai app it's done in just a few steps and without a complicated registration. Nobody has access to your Bitcoin except you. Use the referral code REL105548

How people imagine Satan
The word for Sunday from the crypt
The word for Sunday from the crypt

(via Atheist Faction 2.0) Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: With the Relai app it's done in just a few steps and without complicated registration. Nobody has access to your Bitcoin except you. With the referral code REL105548 your fees are reduced by 0,5%. Psst, follow us discreetly! «Draven's Tales from

The word for Sunday from the crypt
The machinations of Bill Gates
The machinations of Bill Gates

What you are about to read about Bill Gates will leave you speechless! The same man who has complained about overpopulation for the last 30 years while supposedly investing in vaccines to save lives is also extremely hypocritical when it comes to his claims about our carbon footprint and defies recommendations What

The machinations of Bill Gates
DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend
DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend

We now have a great opportunity - by transforming our shadows - to make the world a better place. Let us embark on a journey into our inner being and perceive the beauty of the dark that leads us into the light. Through the pain to freedom. It's all a question of

DBD: Time of change – Alien's Best Friend
Fifties Robocop
Fifties Robocop

X-Men 1950's Super Panavision 70 Style was made with Midjourney, Elevenlabs, Pikalabs and Runwayai and edited in CapCut. Chat GPT script. Music made with Udiomusic... Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: With the Relai app it's done in just a few steps and without complicated registration. Nobody has access

Fifties Robocop
CO2 does not cause global warming
CO2 does not cause global warming

Three physicists show through experiments that CO2's ability to absorb radiation is saturated. If the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rises above the threshold of around 300 ppm, this will have no significant impact on the climate. Due to saturation, ever higher concentrations do not lead to further absorption of radiation. Would you have one?

CO2 does not cause global warming
Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam
Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam

Bitcoin, blockchains, NFTs, Web 3.0… it's time to find out if it's really hype or just one of the biggest scams in human history. Currently as we see the crypto market reach its zenith, we should note that this is not driven by any type of use case or practicality. It's like

Crypto: The World's Greatest Scam
DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun
DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun

Wintersun have given the previously unreleased track “The Dragon Song” a video. The song comes from the bonus part “Legendary Early Demos” of the “Time Package” – a deluxe version of the upcoming album “Time II”, which the band is offering at a special price on Indiegogo until April 30th. The album is from “Time I”.

DBD: The Dragon Song – Wintersun
“Covid” was a hoax
“Covid” was a hoax

Many people who simply felt unwell were deemed suspected of having COVID without any testing. There were no other health conditions during COVID. If you felt unwell in a nursing home you were automatically classified as COVID positive. This and much more, such as the RKI protocols, confirm what I have been saying all along: “Covid”

“Covid” was a hoax
Farewell to Atlas
Farewell to Atlas

For nearly a decade, Atlas has captured our imaginations, inspired the next generations of roboticists and broken down technical barriers in the field. Now it's time for the Atlas hydraulic robot to sit back and relax. Take a look back at everything Boston Dynamics has accomplished with the Atlas platform to date. Because I always

Farewell to Atlas
Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them
Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them

I think you remember a few years ago how the media labeled anyone who refused to wear a mask or get vaccinated a “grandma murderer.” Protecting older people, saving every minute of their lives – that was all that mattered. A few days ago an article appeared in a Dutch mainstream newspaper,

Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them
DBD: Legend – Otyken
DBD: Legend – Otyken

Otyken play ethno-rock'n'roll: throat singing accompanied by a synthesizer, the cheerful clatter of maracas and the strumming of tambourines. Something that looks like the skull of a large animal flashes in the picture... Yes, it's a skull without a doubt... The members of Otyken are natives of Siberia and their music is currently being played at European parties. 2022

DBD: Legend – Otyken
Cyber ​​world – The future is now
Cyber ​​world – The future is now

The documentary addresses the most recent upheavals since the emergence of the cyber world, from the promises of the Internet to big data and artificial intelligence to cyber warfare. The prefix “cyber” comes from ancient Greek and means something like “to control”. But do people really still have everything under control? Since the invention of the Internet, they have been doing this

Cyber ​​world – The future is now
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China: Bank run is stopped with the help of manipulated COVID QR codes

China: Bank run is stopped with the help of manipulated COVID QR codes

The following CNN report should be a warning to the world: Bank run in China is being stopped using manipulated COVID QR codes...
Global Financial System: Who is the Most Powerful Player?

Global Financial System: Who is the Most Powerful Player?

The frightening truth about the actual great power in the global financial system, explained by Ernst Wolff on apolut, below is an excerpt from ...
Deutsche Bank wants to bury the cash

Deutsche Bank wants to bury the cash

Unglaublich, gestern noch Fake-News und eine Verschörungstheorie, heute bittere Realität, denn genau dieses Ansinnen wurde von sogenannten Rechtsextremen schon vor ...
Biden's senior advisor on rising energy prices

Biden's senior advisor on rising energy prices

CNN host asks Mike Donillon, Biden's senior advisor, if he personally understands how American citizens are feeling now...
Getting Nervous: War, Blackrock, Hyperinflation, Bitcoin?

Getting Nervous: War, Blackrock, Hyperinflation, Bitcoin?

Interview on the current situation of Kristina Rieger ("The Shareholder") with Ernst Wolff: ...
The property register and its consequences

The property register and its consequences

You are blessed. You participated and approved. And that's exactly how it will happen, in the spirit of the "Great ...
It's not Putin's fault that prices are skyrocketing, it's the speculators' fault

It's not Putin's fault that prices are skyrocketing, it's the speculators' fault

People who don't understand anything about globalism, war and power continue to be fooled by politics and the press...
Black Rock, Cryptocurrencies, Great Reset & Bill Gates

Black Rock, Cryptocurrencies, Great Reset & Bill Gates

Ein grosser geistiger Schritt nach vorne muss nicht langweilig sein. So unterhaltsam wie in folgendem Video wird man ganz selten ...
Breaking a taboo: Talking about Ernst Wolff

Breaking a taboo: Talking about Ernst Wolff

Ernst Wolff im Interview mit Friedrich Krüger, dass u.a. aufzeigt, dass Angst immer ein schlechter Berater ist, auch oder vorallem ...
The state is the problem, capitalism is the solution

The state is the problem, capitalism is the solution

Julien Backhaus war Deutschlands jüngster Verleger, Buchautor und bekennender Egoist. Kürzlich fiel er mit einem kurzen Interview zum Kapitalismus in ...
Anti-WEF demo

Anti WEF demo May 21, 2022 in Bern

The WEF will take place in Davos from May 22nd to 26th, 2022, and will obviously be held in Bern on May 21st...
Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiss - War in Europe: "German politics is brainless" (Druschba FM I April 14.04.2022, XNUMX)

Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiss – War in Europe: “German politics is brainless” (Druschba FM I April 14.04.2022, XNUMX)

There is war in Europe. We learn that wars throughout history have often resolved economic imbalances for a period of time. It...
billions for the war

billions for the war

As shocking as the suffering of the people in war is, as much as I wish them peace, from the bottom of my heart, ...
German producer prices are exploding like never before

German producer prices are exploding like never before

Above from my Bloomberg terminal from 1977 and from Thorsten Schulte himself from 1958 the German producer prices in % ...
Austria: Treasury benefits from inflation (ORF I ZIB 2 I 08.04.2022)

Austria: Treasury benefits from inflation (ORF I ZIB 2 I 08.04.2022)

The enormous rise in energy prices has already fueled inflation in recent months, it was almost seven percent recently. That ...
The criminal US digital financial complex

The criminal US digital financial complex

One could add to this small list... but the main actors have been hit...
National bankruptcies for the introduction of the digital, global currency

National bankruptcies for the introduction of the digital, global currency

Wir sollten uns jetzt nicht von irgendwelchen "Lockerungen" der Corona-Massnahmen oder dem medial inszenierten Krieg in der Ukraine blenden lassen ...
dr Roman Braun: From the COVID19 Crisis to the Ukraine/Russia Crisis 2022

dr Roman Braun: From the COVID19 Crisis to the Ukraine/Russia Crisis 2022

Von der COVID19-Krise bis zur Ukraine/Russland-Krise 2022 spricht Marie-Christine Giuliani mit dem Kommunikationsexperten Dr. Roman Braun. Er ist Doktor der ...
There is an evil force behind governments!

There is an evil force behind governments!

Wie schafft man es, die Bevölkerung gehorsam zu halten, damit diese der Regierung eines Tages nicht in die Quere kommt? ...
From warmongers and other inhuman crooks

From warmongers and other inhuman crooks

The crazy NATO hand puppets of the international military-industrial complex (here Jens Stoltenberg), who are currently leading one European into an absurd war with...
Catherine Austin Fitts: How the US government, its contractors and banks stole trillions from the taxpayer

Catherine Austin Fitts: How the US government, its contractors and banks stole trillions from the taxpayer

Catherine Austin Fitts, Finanzberaterin und ehemalige Investmentbankerin sowie Bundesbeauftragte für den Wohnungsbau im US-Ministerium für Wohnungsbau und Stadtentwicklung, beschreibt detailliert ...
A new Russian capitalism will grow on the rubble of the sanctions

A new Russian capitalism will grow on the rubble of the sanctions

Ein aufschlussreicher Text, finde ich. Diejenigen, die auf den Geldsäcken sitzen und gelernt haben, das westliche Spiel besser zu spielen ...
Action and reaction

Action and reaction

Vielen ist nicht bewusst, dass es bisher nur Sanktionen in die eine Richtung gibt und die Energie auch noch zu ...
Everything is to blame for inflation, but certainly not the printing of trillions in the pandemic

Everything is to blame for inflation, but not the printing of trillions in the pandemic

Inflation dank Sondereffekten, wie der Rücknahme der Mehrwertsteuersenkung Inflation dank CO2-Abgabe Inflation aufgrund von „Sonderfall Halbleiter und Chipindustrie / Digitalisierung ...
It's time to go, gentlemen of Bern!

It's time to go, gentlemen of Bern!

Switzerland is facing difficult economic times. First we had to deal with Corona tyranny every two years and as a result of that...
A new Russian capitalism will grow on the rubble of the sanctions

The only way to avoid a global recession is to negotiate with Russia

Ein Text aus Russland, einem Land, in dem es nach Angaben der deutschen Aussenministerin bekanntlich ekkeftif keine Fressefreiheit gibt. Leicht ...
Prepare for 2030: Ernst Wolff in conversation with Dominik Kettner and Florian Homm

Prepare for 2030: Ernst Wolff in conversation with Dominik Kettner and Florian Homm

Das folgende Interview dürfte wohl eines der spannendsten Interviews des Jahres 2022 sein. Ernst Wolff hat so lange auf diesen ...
Is Putin to blame for inflation? - No he is not!

Is Putin to blame for inflation? - No he is not!

Das kannst du auch für dein Land erwarten, egal wo du wohnst. Die Inflation galoppiert und was schlägt die Regierung ...
Goldsmith Fabian Why money is missing everywhere! Documentary in German about the errors in our system

Goldsmith Fabian Why money is missing everywhere! Documentary in German about the errors in our system

Der Film zeigt die tatsächliche Entwicklung unseres Geldes - sowie den Fehler im Geldsystem. Warum überall Geld fehlt "Gib mir ...
The power of the (central) banks

The power of the (central) banks

Set in 20th-century Japan, this documentary explores the role and power of central banks and how they...

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