Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them
Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them

Ich denke, du erinnerst dich, wie die Medien vor ein paar Jahren jeden, der sich weigerte, eine Maske zu tragen oder sich impfen zu lassen, als «Oma-Mörder» bezeichneten. Ältere Menschen zu schützen, jede Minute ihres Lebens zu retten – das war alles, was zählte. Vor wenigen Tagen ist in einer niederländischen Mainstream-Zeitung ein Artikel erschienen,

Suicide Society: Old people cost too much money, let's kill them
DBD: Legend – Otyken
DBD: Legend – Otyken

Otyken play ethno-rock'n'roll: throat singing accompanied by a synthesizer, the cheerful clatter of maracas and the strumming of tambourines. Something that looks like the skull of a large animal flashes in the picture... Yes, it's a skull without a doubt... The members of Otyken are natives of Siberia and their music is currently being played at European parties. 2022

DBD: Legend – Otyken
Cyber ​​world – The future is now
Cyber ​​world – The future is now

The documentary addresses the most recent upheavals since the emergence of the cyber world, from the promises of the Internet to big data and artificial intelligence to cyber warfare. The prefix “cyber” comes from ancient Greek and means something like “to control”. But do people really still have everything under control? Since the invention of the Internet, they have been doing this

Cyber ​​world – The future is now
Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert
Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert

In 2008, Iron Maiden embarked on what is probably the most extraordinary tour in rock history, their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour. On the first part of the tour, British heavy metal band Iron Maiden travels around the world in a Boeing 757 with the band name on the fuselage. The so-called Ed Force One is personally controlled by singer Bruce Dickinson. With

Iron Maiden – Flight 666 The Concert
Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society
Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society

The usual scammers from the healthcare industry and the pharmaceutical mafia are happy… and the numbers will continue to rise. Among other things, it is also a consequence of the lying pandemic and the constant state, media-orchestrated panic. Money makes the world go round!

Give us more psychologists for a totally insecure and sick society
DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight
DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight

Hartlight has unveiled their new concept album “As Above, So Below”, an exploration of alchemy and magic through the lens of heavy, progressive, power, gothic and symphonic metal. This project is based on the hermetic principle “as above, so below” and spins a profound philosophical story about the connections of the universe. The core duo, Noémie Marie and Adrien

DBD: All Life Begins in the Dark – Hartlight
Conservation is right
Conservation is right

So that you know where the wind will blow in the future, since people are always defending themselves against this delusional environmental destruction. So now you know...

Conservation is right
Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it
Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it

The eyes are directed to the right, but the danger comes from a different direction. There was something about traitors. Such votes should be shown more often, especially to a large audience...

Caliphate: Germany will change, and drastically. And I'm looking forward to it
Democracy in its final stages?
Democracy in its final stages?

It is a gradual process, the dissolution of our democracy. And it happens in all areas. Censorship has become normal and has already entered people's minds. Denouncing the “bad guys”, the swearers, the critics has been common practice since Corona and is supported with a lot of money and reporting points. The media and universities are outdoing each other in their loyalty to the government

Democracy in its final stages?
NATO myths and the lawsuit “for aiding and abetting genocide”
NATO myths and the lawsuit “for aiding and abetting genocide”

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO, BSW member of the Bundestag Sevim Dagdelen wrote a book entitled “NATO – Reckoning with the Alliance of Values”, which is currently number 10 on the Spiegel bestseller list. A conversation about the claim and reality of NATO myths (“Democracy, the rule of law and human rights”), Julian Assange as a “NATO prisoner” and those expected to remain

NATO myths and the lawsuit “for aiding and abetting genocide”
This is what the government calls “safe and effective”.
This is what the government calls “safe and effective”.

No, this is not uncommon and yes, it is very real. The government and all perpetrators must be held accountable for crimes against humanity. This is Tony Shingler: Three years ago today, when I got the AstraZeneca vaccine, I was diagnosed with GBS, post-AstraZeneca, 14 months in the hospital, eight on a ventilator. Never

This is what the government calls “safe and effective”.
Eyes In Outer Space: A Science Factual Presentation – Disney film about Haarp, chemtrails and geoengineering
Eyes In Outer Space: A Science Factual Presentation – Disney film about Haarp, chemtrails and geoengineering

“Eyes in Outer Space” is a Disney short film from 1959 that examines the possibilities and then the realities of using space satellites, already touching on Haarp, chemtrails and geoengineering. It was directed by Ward Kimball, who also wrote the story with William Bosche and John W. Dunn. The film stars Paul Frees (The

Eyes In Outer Space: A Science Factual Presentation – Disney film about Haarp, chemtrails and geoengineering
A completely normal politician: How Mario Voigt exposes himself
A completely normal politician: How Mario Voigt exposes himself

A little turncoat like practically all politicians. Mr. Voigt talks about the concerns of the population. Politicians have never really been interested in the concerns of the hard-working population. If a politician says “merge”, he is guaranteed to be on the other side of power! Yes, they are unmasking themselves more and more – the self-proclaimed “Democrats”…

A completely normal politician: How Mario Voigt exposes himself
DBD: AI Supremacy – Holycide
DBD: AI Supremacy – Holycide

Spanish thrash metal band Holycide have just announced details of their third album entitled “Towards Idiocracy”. The album cover, tracklist and first pre-single have been revealed. “Towards Idiocracy” is scheduled to be released on June 6, 2024. With their third album “Towards Idiocracy” Holycide have created a real thrash masterpiece. From the initial rush of “AI Supremacy”

DBD: AI Supremacy – Holycide
Biontech Bratwurst Booster
Biontech Bratwurst Booster

When so much good happens to you, it's worth a booster! Now we know why little Karl has such bad teeth... By the way, ask your pathologist or undertaker about risks or side effects.

Biontech Bratwurst Booster
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BAG: Anyone who works in such a non-transparent manner cannot be trustworthy!

BAG: Anyone who works in such a non-transparent manner cannot be trustworthy!

Signs and wonders actually still happen! I can hardly believe that Blick reports critically about the BAG...
DBD: Loieherz - megawatts

DBD: Loieherz – megawatts

Here is a power anthem for Switzerland! Listen to it once and you will feel the power! Loieherz von Megawatt ... i want, ...
DBD: Pretended - Face the End

DBD: Pretended—Face the End

In order to be prepared for the apocalypse, Face the End builds the safest test bunker. The world will end...
Against the split

About the events of the last 2 1/2 years here in Switzerland

In the last 2 1/2 years I have read, seen, experienced and experienced things that I would never have expected in Switzerland for ...
Press and media freedom

Press and media freedom

Valentin Landmann Swiss lawyer, book author and canton politician expresses himself in the current video on the subject of "Press and media freedom" ...
Zurich is the monkeypox hotspot

Zurich is the monkeypox hotspot

What terrible news do you have to read again? According to the quality media, Zurich is THE monkeypox hotspot! I am writing now...
VIEW, character assassination as a business model?

VIEW, character assassination as a business model?

Liebe Familie Ringier, wieso bezahlt Ihr angebliche Journalisten dafür, mit falschen Anschuldigungen, Unterstellungen und Verdächtigungen die Lebensgrundlage von anderen Familien ...
Horror cabinet WEF: "We were victims of vaccination opponents and conspiracy people" (WEF in Davos I May 25.05.2022th, XNUMX)

Horror cabinet WEF: "We were victims of vaccination opponents and conspiracy people" (WEF in Davos I 25.05.2022)

Beim diesjährigen Treffen des Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) in Davos kamen wie jedes Jahr die wichtigsten Vertreter aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Finanzen ...
Specter Jordan Virus (Transition TV I 25.05.2022)

Specter Jordan Virus (Transition TV I 25.05.2022)

The Jordan virus is a new threat to Swiss agriculture - especially tomatoes and peppers. Agroscope takes part in...
Heart attack explanation inflation

Reports of suspected adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccinations in Switzerland have risen sharply

In der Schweiz stehen ca. 13'000 Tote, die in 2,5 Jahren mit oder an COVID-19 gestorben sind (Altersmedian 87) 5900 ...
A presidential message from the Friends of the Constitution

A presidential message from the Friends of the Constitution

Roland Bühlmann, a really likeable and humorous person, obviously.... Christoph Pfluger is one of the really credible and honest...
Hypocritical health advisors: Pfizer circumvents advertising ban (SRF I Kassensturz I 10.10.2006)

Hypocritical health advisors: Pfizer circumvents advertising ban (SRF I Kassensturz I 10.10.2006)

Das Muster ist bekannt: Auf Plakaten macht die Pharmafirma Pfizer eine Krankheit zum Thema und legt den Besuch beim Arzt ...
Right in the middle there instead of just

Right in the middle there instead of just

As always, much that moves the world is directed from Switzerland - including Agenda 2030, the actual ...
Relatively free

Relatively free

Michael Bubendorf takes a very personal look back and seeks answers to the big questions that will decide our future; What ...
GPK relieves Berset and that definitely stinks to high heaven!

GPK relieves Berset and that definitely stinks to high heaven!

Die Geschäftsprüfungs-Kommission (GPK) des Parlaments entlastet Berset in der Erpressungs-Sex-Affäre. Dies ausgerechnet an dem Tag, wo bekannt wird, dass E-Mails ...
Swiss parliament finally realizes the Ukraine conference is nonsense

Swiss parliament finally realizes the Ukraine conference is nonsense

So gaaaanz laaaaangsam kommt auch bei unseren trägen Parlamentariern in Bundesbern die Erkenntnis, dass die von Aussenminister Ignazio Cassis im ...
Jacqueline Badran would have been better off staying in her hole in the ground in her self-imposed political asylum

Jacqueline Badran would have been better off staying in her hole in the ground in her self-imposed political asylum

Die SonntagsZeitung widmete zwei ihrer äusserst kostbaren Seiten einen ausführlichen Interview mit der Obersozi Jacqueline Badran. Eigentlich nicht weiter erwähnenswert ...
Now the post office is also forced to abolish cash

Now the post office is also forced to abolish cash

The ex. National Council, ex. Council of States, ex. State Councilor of the Canton of Friborg and long-time leader of the SP-Switzerland, Chrstian Levrat, who was...
Billions in electricity for what?

Billions in electricity for what?

Where is the rescue package for taxpayers? Taxpayers can now pay for the mistakes of the Reds and Greens again. After ...
Switzerland is said to be experiencing the next wave... fortunately intensive care beds are being reduced again

Switzerland is said to be experiencing the next wave... fortunately intensive care beds are being reduced again

Die Schweiz geht angeblich laut der "Qualitätspresse" in die nächste Corona-Welle - da kann man schon nochmals Intensivbetten abgebauen, schliesslich ...
Vigil for (allegedly) 13 people who died from or with Corona

Vigil for (allegedly) 13 people who died from or with Corona

Diese unnötige Doppelmoral, diese emotionale Manipulation, diese ungünstige, willkürliche Stimmungsmache. Dieses Für-Dummverkaufen einer ganzen Bevölkerung. Gedenken wir nun der unzähligen ...
The free ones are here!

The free ones are here!

"The Free" have set out and want to be the first magazine in Switzerland that offers critical journalism, but with constructive ...
The last supper of the supposed hero

The last supper of the supposed hero

Am 4. und 5. Juli findet in Lugano, die von Aussenminister Ignazio Cassis initiierte Ukraine-Konferenz statt - diese natürlich ohne ...
Specter Jordan Virus (Transition TV I 25.05.2022)

Specter Jordan Virus (Transition TV I 25.05.2022)

The Jordan virus is a new threat to Swiss agriculture - especially tomatoes and peppers. Agroscope takes part in...
Secret paper reveals federal government is planning arms deliveries to Ukraine

Secret paper reveals federal government is planning arms deliveries to Ukraine

The pressure from abroad makes it possible, after all we have no statesmen in our government, let alone the people's representative, but...
Horrific price increases for newspapers over the last 40 years

Horrific price increases for newspapers over the last 40 years

Was dabei besonders auffällt, ist, dass die Qualität dieser Blätter wie Blick, NZZ, Tages Anzeiger und wie sie alles heissen, ...
Forced to pay “cashless” pushed back for the time being

The obligation to pay “cashless” has been pushed back for the time being

In den letzten Jahren häuften sich die Versuche, Bargeld aus Bezahlprozessen zu verbannen. Das neuste Beispiel, dass vor kurzem viral ...
Do politicians intend to weaken Switzerland's sovereignty and independence?

Do politicians intend to weaken Switzerland's sovereignty and independence?

Russia Today has published an editorial dedicated to Switzerland. The topic is of course neutrality, which threatens to fall...
Big Pharma rejoices: Switzerland buys a vaccine for 780 million Swiss francs

Big Pharma rejoices: Switzerland buys a vaccine for 780 million Swiss francs

Das Schweizer Parlament hat dem Kauf von 33 Millionen Dosen Impfstoff für 780 Millionen Franken zugestimmt. Die Schweiz hat 8 ...
Federal Councilor Cassis: Not a mediator, but a splitter

Federal Councilor Cassis: Not a mediator, but a splitter

Federal President Ignazio Cassis (FDP) has shown some diplomatic failures in recent weeks, for example ...

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