In the last 2 1/2 years I have read, seen, experienced and experienced things that I would never have thought possible in Switzerland. I always thought the constitution was carved in stone and untouchable, the separation of powers, which has existed since 1815, was beyond any doubt and, last but not least, that in Switzerland the people decide. I was teached a lesson. For me personally, Switzerland no longer exists. This has probably been the case for a long time, but you didn't notice it because you only scratched on superficial topics.

Now, in Switzerland's greatest crisis since the Second World War, one had to state without passion that the image of a democratic, fair and, above all, constitutional Switzerland is an illusion - and obviously always was an illusion. Switzerland, as the majority of citizens imagine it, never existed. Not in 2, not in 1291 and certainly not today. It was only always "cooked on a low flame" that it took a little longer for all the fat to float to the top. Or does anyone seriously believe that Switzerland could have abstained from wars for two centuries just because it presented itself as peace-loving and neutral, without overriding interests being of importance?

Quite apart from the fact that Switzerland may have called itself that, but in reality it was never neutral. From the beginning it has stocked the world with mercenaries and with industrialization also with weapons... it is not talked about and yet it is so. A very important point is also Switzerland as a global piggy bank. After all, you don't want all the "black money" to go to waste during armed conflicts. What would be more suitable than a neutral state that also keeps its mouth shut and is actually in the center of the war zone... you're happy to take a detour with the troops... that wasn't necessary for the goods, because all of them benefited. In addition, every mastermind could buy his property in Switzerland in order to influence the fortunes of the world from there and possibly also do one or the other dirty business.

What could be better suited than a country whose staid population, in the best belief, to be the clean man of the world, to cap these machinations and in return also fool them into prosperity, security and codetermination? Bourgeois Switzerland has paid a high price for it, is still paying it and if they knew all about it, quite a few street lamps would be decorated with the signs of lynching by tomorrow... But the fact is that unfortunately too large a part of the population does not even notice this or just doesn't want to notice because they don't care. It was always thought that certain things would never happen because people would not let them.

But they have and will allow it and even consider it «good». Now the whole magic starts again soon. The media is already gearing up for the next round and the first parts of the population are already looking forward to going on like there is no tomorrow. Well - at some point there will be no tomorrow if you carry on like this and ignore all the red and deep red lines that you have never crossed in the last 500 years. I would also like to write something positive - but apart from "I'm happy about this beautiful, hot summer" - but that's supposed to be a disaster again... I think the only thing that could really help would be an open and fair review of all events - but so far we prefer to remain silent...

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

My blog was never designed to spread news, let alone get political, but with current affairs I just can't help but capture information here that is otherwise censored on all other channels. I am aware that the design page may not seem "serious" to many in this regard, but I will not change this to please the "mainstream". Anyone who is open to non-state-compliant information sees the content and not the packaging. I've tried enough to provide people with information over the last 2 years, but quickly noticed that it never matters how it's "packaged", but what the other person's attitude towards it is. I don't want to put honey on anyone's mouth to meet expectations in any way, so I'll keep this design because hopefully at some point I'll be able to stop making these political statements, because it's not my goal to go on like this forever ;) I leave it up to everyone how they deal with it. However, you are welcome to simply copy and distribute the content, my blog has always been under the WTFPL license.

It's hard for me to describe what I'm actually doing here, DravensTales has become a culture blog, music blog, shock blog, tech blog, horror blog, fun blog, a blog about found items on the internet, internet bizarre, trash blog, art blog, water heater, zeitgeist blog over the years , Scrap blog and grab bag blog called. Everything that is right ... - and yet not. The main focus of the blog is contemporary art, in the broadest sense of the word.

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