After the 5th episode of "The Walking Dead" Season 6, many fans asked themselves: Where are the others from Rick's troupe, i.e. - besides Glenn - mainly Daryl, Abraham and Sasha? We'll find out how they fared in episode 6. Daryl, Sasha and Abraham are still out trying to lure the Walkers away - aren't they? And what about gleen? Does Enid play a major role in Glenn's "rescue"? In any case, we shouldn't give up the former pizza delivery boy too soon! Check out the promo and sneak peak videos for Always Accountable here!

Preview "The Walking Dead" Season 6, Episode 6 - Promo and Sneak Peak

If you missed a bit of action this week, rest assured that the upcoming sixth episode promises to put several of the main characters in mortal danger! While Rick, Michonne and Heath are back in Alexandria, three other survivors from our group stayed behind outside the walls – in addition to Glenn, whose fate is unfortunately still unknown: Daryl, Sasha and Abraham, whose whereabouts in the coming Episode is considered in more detail. Also, in the last episode, we saw Maggie, along with Aaron, remove the names of Glenn and Nicholas from the Wall's dead list. According to Lauren Cohan, who plays Maggie, there is still hope in the ASZ, which is why we as an audience should keep hoping: "The audience should definitely remain optimistic, because this is a place full of fighters and people who are absolutely not in the mood to give up." And further: "People are absolutely not dead in spirit, their will never dies, with anyone from the community." This can be seen above all in the character development of Deanna. And as long as this mental flexibility and the will to build something are still there, "there is hope!"

«The Walking Dead» Season 6 Episode 6 Preview – Promo and Sneak Peak
«The Walking Dead» Season 6 Episode 6 Preview – Promo and Sneak Peak

As you can probably still remember from episode 4, after the horn sounded and Rick's emergency solution, Sasha and Abraham continued to sit in their car and thus tried to lure the main part of the walkers further away from Alexandria. Daryl rode alongside them on his motorcycle and helped them lead stray walkers back to the herd. But did they really succeed in this mission? As we saw in episode 5, the three were no longer available when Rick tried to radio them from Alexandria... According to the synopsis for episode 6, the return of our three heroes appears to be anything but easy: «Daryl, Abraham and Sasha encounter many obstacles and a new threat while trying to return to Alexandria.» ("Daryl, Abraham and Sasha must contend with many obstacles and a whole new threat as they attempt to return to Alexandria.")

Preview "The Walking Dead" Season 6, Episode 6 - Promo and Sneak Peak

So we see Daryl, visibly exhausted, trudging through the forest while he pushes his switched off motorcycle in front of him. Is it an empty tank or did he have to switch off his bike and continue walking because he was injured? But Sasha and Abraham also seem to no longer be able to rely on the safety in their car and so we see them waiting for a group of walkers with drawn weapons! At first not able to reach Daryl via walkie-talkie, they finally manage it - but it seems to be too late ... We see Daryl lying on the floor after he put a sack on someone (?!) - yes When Sasha's voice comes through the device, we also hear the characteristic sounds of a walker in the background ... What will happen to the three of them?

«The Walking Dead» Season 6 Episode 6 Preview – Promo and Sneak Peak
«The Walking Dead» Season 6 Episode 6 Preview – Promo and Sneak Peak

Apparently, Daryl is being captured by an alien group. In the sneak peek we already see that Daryl, Abraham and Sasha are attacked on the street by a heavily armed group of strangers in cars. As is almost always the case with pre-release sneak peeks, this event can be expected to occur fairly early in the upcoming episode. So the sneak peek ended with Sasha and Abraham eliminating some of the pursuers, while Daryl races off into the woods on his bike - and followed by a jeep. As the video indicated at the end, he manages to escape the jeep, which then continues down the road, while Daryl apparently ends up in a burned-down part of the forest, where he eventually has to abandon his motorcycle and continue on foot. Shortly thereafter, however, he feels he is being watched - and rightly so, because he comes across two women crouching behind a tree. "You found us, okay. But we deserve what we took, »explain the two before Daryl is suddenly knocked down by a third man from behind!

Preview "The Walking Dead" Season 6, Episode 6 - Promo and Sneak Peak

We already know the man from the Comic-Con trailer - and as many have correctly guessed, he is actually Dwight from the comics, so, listen up, one of Negan's men from the Saviors group! We know that thanks to the comics, but this will by no means be an issue in episode 6, which is why we "officially" have to assume that the Saviors will only appear at the end of season 6. Dwight then ties Daryl up and later threatens him with a gun. But apparently our Daryl isn't the guy the group was waiting for and so his hostage-takers explain to him a little later how every piece of forest has burned down while the leader is still thinking aloud whether he might be making a mistake , if he doesn't kill Daryl anyway... But when one of the two women faints, Daryl manages to free himself and flee with a bulging travel bag. Stupidly, when he's already a long way away, he discovers that the sack not only contains his crossbow, but above all a lot of insulin, which the unconscious woman obviously needs urgently.

«The Walking Dead» Season 6 Episode 6 Preview – Promo and Sneak Peak
«The Walking Dead» Season 6 Episode 6 Preview – Promo and Sneak Peak

While Sasha and Abraham meanwhile, very Hansel-and-Gretel-like, lay some breadcrumbs - aka kill Walker - and finally find shelter in an abandoned office building, Daryl goes back to his former hostage-takers and demands their gun in return for taking the sack with them to give back to the insulin. Suddenly, a van with a group of men appears, but you can only see their feet. Daryl helps the three of them hide from the men, who then leave Dannen without having achieved anything, while Daryl returns his gun to Dwight. In the meantime, Abraham goes on an exploratory tour aka "shopping" and comes across a walker at a bridge, which, together with a rocket launcher, is hanging on its back from the parapet. So Abraham tries to take his valuable goods from the jolly Walker, but he doesn't succeed immediately...

«The Walking Dead» Season 6 Episode 6 Preview – Promo and Sneak Peak
«The Walking Dead» Season 6 Episode 6 Preview – Promo and Sneak Peak

Daryl, meanwhile, apparently befriends the remaining two of his captors - the third, passed out, is apparently already being nibbled by walkers by this point - and takes them to his motorcycle. Sounds strange or almost suspicious? It is, because it seems the strangers are only out to grab Daryl's crossbow and motorbike and speed away! After losing his beloved two-wheeler, Daryl finds a van that he uses to track down Sasha and Abraham again. When the three are already in the direction of Alexandria, they suddenly hear a voice calling over the radio: "HELP!" Who could that be? Is it Glenn? But how is that possible? Well, as expected, we won't find out until the seventh episode after next. Not only did Greg Nicotero confirm that we don't need to worry about Daryl's survival for the time being, but the synopsis for the seventh episode that follows also suggests this. Here it says: «Alexandria is finally able to begin pulling itself back together; peace is embraced between the two groups." ("Alexandria finally manages to get back on its feet to some extent, there is peace between the two groups.") Peace? That sounds pretty promising, doesn't it? Sounds comparatively harmless or hopeful, but the title of this 7th episode - «Heads Up» («Attention/Watch out») – suggests something completely different. However, the expression "Heads Up" can also mean "pre-warning" - and that would mean that this episode is already leading to the big showdown in episode 7. Because let's be honest: When the midseason finale is just around the corner, it can only mean the calm before the storm!

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

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